Aeal5566's Forum Posts

  • I dug back through some old files and put up a new link. Here is the plugin as is: ... sp=sharing

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  • I dug back through some old files and found a copy of this. If you still need the link here is a new one: ... sp=sharing

  • I find the best way to make a hud is to use inheritance layers. Its a little known feature but its pretty awesome. basically you can set a layer to inherit from a layout in its properties. just make sure to include that layouts event sheet! I dont have time to make a proper example but a search on the forums should bring one up!

  • ok so the way I want the object to work would be kinda like the function object where the user would call an add param action and then once all of the params have been added they would call a doAction event and the plugin would try to call the function. The problem I run into is passing the parameters. Because In the add param action the param would be added into an array but the functions no longer take arrays as parameters how do you pass each element of the array to the function separately when there is no defined number of parameters? Do you know if javascript has any kind of reflection?

  • Ashley how are the Params stored and passed to the functions. Im trying to make a reference object that allows the user to store a reference to an object and then call actions based on an event, but I dont know how to call the function with the parameters. In the old version of construct they were all passed by sending in a vector or an array I think but now you use normal function parameters and im not sure how you store them when you are adding them in the ACES.

    and before you go telling me that there would be problems with calling functions like that i am well aware of them. If a user calls a function that does not exist the plugin would handle it.

  • Would there be a way to make something like layout variables? Variables that are specific to a layout, and every time you reset the layout the variables would be reset with it.

  • I agree with Ashley I would make them work like they do in c++. Im not sure its the most intuitive for new people but it is something that has to be learned anyways and when you move on to another language that idea of local variables will persist and in the end teaches people proper programming practices.

  • Thats probably because the last post in here was almost 3 years ago.... there have probably been close to 50 revisions of construct since this was posted.

  • Its pretty obvious that Davids account has been hacked because no person in their right mind would post something like that.

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    Ive also been playing Lots of LoL I usually play on a nightly basis with some of my friends over skype. Makes cooperating much easier. Other than that I just picked up the potato sack from Valve and have been playing super meat boy because I love plat formers like that.

  • There is no SDK out for construct 2 yet. You can still use one of the pre exsiting plugins as a guide to make one. Construct 2 plugins are all java script and dont require visual studio. You can use note pad or notepad++ or any other text editor to develop them. Hope that helps.

  • I am slowly adding features to the converter. Im adding in events right now its proving to be a bit of a pain but ill get it eventually. Not to mention im right in the middle of the semester but I would like to test in on the 360 soon. The biggest thing is you would have to compile the game from visual studio for the final converter it will make the project and everything for you so it would be a simple matter of compiling it and running it on the 360, but that is still a while off.

  • Release 2 is out. These are pretty minor changes but I want to see people getting this running before I add more to it.

  • hmmmm strange.... there are a few possibilities. I made a few mistakes when I started the project but I have a new build im working on so maybe that will fix some problems. it uses the 4.0 client profile instead of the full 4.0 which might solve your problem.

  • This is all about the .caproj format. its easy enough to parse the xml files into a game engine. some of the things being in their own nodes seems counter intuitive. Like it would make more sense to indicate if an object is global in its attributes rather than keep a list of them in a seperate node (at least in my mind) Im sure there is a reason for it though.