Aeal5566's Forum Posts

  • Everything is global and accessible from any layout you just have to create it on the start of the layout.

  • did you add the transition to the project?

  • You can right click just above the drop down list and switch the expression box to "use expression mode" wich allows you to pass things like string from an ini file into it.

  • First of all its one calculation, and im not sure about when behavior movement is done in the process (ie is it before or after the event sheets are run), but if it is done before then it would have no effect because it would move the sprite normally then round its XY to the closest whole number. and you wouldnt even notice a movement because the scene is first calculated, then drawn so when it draws it would plug-in the rounded XY position.

    if movement for behaviors where calculated AFTER the event were run It still wouldn't really matter because all those things are calculated on a per tick basis using the current xy position it would just be rounded at a different time

  • Try Construct 3

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  • you could also have an always event that rounds your players XY position.

  • The thing with music games is you need to decided how you are going to do things. If you want to be able to use just about any music then you will have to make your system compatible with that. If you have specific songs in mind then you can do more specific things, thats not to say you couldn't design an algorithm that would generate your system for you very well but it may be harder and take more time than hard coding it and may not be worth it if you are not panning on letting the user make their own music.

    I have actually been making a rythm based game for one of my classes. its actually going pretty well.

  • let people experiment, youll learn the necessary math concepts behind things doing it, and not everyone wants to make a completely 3D games. adding mode 7 type effects spices up your 2d games and in anycase isnt very complicated to do at all. getting collisions and graphics importing to work in 3d for a 2d game is much less intuitive than using construct, and construct wasnt "intended" for anything, its simply a tool to make things easier, and well to be frank i find writing about 7 events to do this is alot simpler than learning java, learning how to import 3d models and do uv mapping ect. its simple 3d, which construct is made for.

    Mode 7 and what not is fine but people want to make construct into a 3d engine which it is not. if you want to add some 3d to your game to make it look better that is fine too but what I dont get is why people want to make true 3d games with construct when just to get something rendering in 3d would take for ever. Where as with unity its as simple as going into max or maya making your object and dragging it into the program and boom its there, and yes you might have to fiddle around with uvs or something other things, but its better than needing 45 events to get 1 3d model working. If your really interested in making a true 3d game you need to use the tools suited for the job, not ones that require overly complicated things to get 1 model working.

    and as for not beign complicated you your self said it was not easy, and it looks pretty complicated.

  • I know that I might get burned for saying this but construct is a 2d game engine meant for 2d games, use an engine for what it is made for, when you try to make an engine do something it was not meant to do it breaks and is much harder than it needs to be. There are free 3D engines (unity, udk) that will make your life much easier, and you might have to learn a programming language but get over it its really not that bad, and if you want to make games you are going to have to learn some kind of programming logic at some point or another.

  • I played all three and I think the mech on was the worst of all of them with clunky unorthodox controls, the pumpkin one was pretty much the same way, it was very glidy controls and made no sense, and the space man one was at least interesting, and i played that until I got to the ship and then I couldn't figure out what to do on the desert planet.

  • Thats only if you are going to sell your plugin. Your perfectly able to give it away.

  • > Construct 2 will be unicode; before then we can't really change it.


    Eh...its long to wait for second version..((

    make unicode in 0.99.85 please

    you cannot flip a switch and make it unicode. it would require quite a but of work. It is open source you can always down load the source and make it on your own.

  • or if Rich were to come back. he is a lawyer after all....

  • Using every plugin and behavior in construct is a bit.... crazy, good luck with that. There are currently

    ~90 plugins not including all the third party plugins....

  • If you did do everything that the GNU says you need to do in order to sell the program that is fine,I havent looked at your software but if you do that then its cool, but I think that it is kinda crappy that would would charge for a program that is free, I think that is the problem that most people have with this.

    As for the tutorials and games you bundled with it you should ask permission because constructs games are not necessarily covered under the GNU and even though you took the screen shot yourself it is still some one else's work that you are using for your advertisement, it would be essentially the same as me using Mario to advertise my game, and im pretty sure that I would be slapped hard and fast with a lawsuit if I did that even if I took the screen shot my self.

  • Any code that you have written that is older than 6 months may as well have been written by someone else.