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    but i'll be recording more video during the opening on the 17th. by then, it'll have a plaque and handheld fans for people to use.

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  • <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/IMG_5961_blog.jpg">

    more pics and a vid at this link: http://blog.dfyb.net/?p=287

    I used Construct as the software solution to trigger the musical notes and keep track of the wind chime's 'emotional state.' The more wind, the happier the wind chime gets and it plays happier music -- if it's left alone, it'll become sad and play more down beat music. It was installed at the Dallas Museum of Art today and the exhibit will have its official opening on the 17th.

  • i always thought it was weird that 360 pad support came before general PC pad support

  • It's probably just their pre-rendered concept video.

    This team likes to make a CG video "faking" the game so that they have a goal to work towards.

    Cool idea if you think about it, but the videos never look as good as the game (characters usually look funky)

    should be cool

    ...no they don't

  • or twitter

  • http://wave.google.com/

    Next gen email/forum/flickr/whatever all rolled into one open source, expandable beauty

  • haven't read entire thread, but if it becomes necessary to increase revenue, a friendly business model would be to allow anyone to download fully featured construct for free, but require a watermark when the game starts up advertising construct. paid users can remove watermark.

  • > if it's free, i don't care at all. if it costs money, i'll rent it if it's too short.


    Say the game lasts an hour if you know exactly how to beat it and costs 4.99 EUR.

    And you can't rent it.

    Would you buy it if it's a cool game? Would you pay 5 EUR for a cool experience?

    One thing I'd love to see in the future are simpler, episodic games that really focus on story and character development - and to sell each episode for something cheap, like 5 bucks. I think that'd be a win / win.

    You'd get to play a short, but great game for a small amount of cash and if you liked it and want to know how the story develops further / develop your character further, you get the new episode for another 5 quid.

    Would that business model be attractive to anyone here?

    i have and will continue to spend small amounts of money on small games. i should have clarified -- i just think if there's a price, it should agree with the game itself. i can't afford to spend $60 on games i'll only play one week, so i rent those. i have bought tons of $5-10 games -- i think they're usually a better value than going out to the movies.

    edit: i think achievements/trophies are great. they very rarely take anything away from the game experience. i think there are several positive effects that come from them, too.

  • personally i think it looks best in motion -- seeing the air move like that (and air movement also has gameplay implications) and the surfaces abstracted. it's like a crazy impressionist painting that you move around in. it's obviously not going for realism.. it's more dream-like. video compression may effect how it looked -- i had downloaded and watched the HD version. i probably don't want every game to have that aesthetic (i'm not saying it's the defacto, bar raising, new standard for all games to mimic), but i do like to celebrate new and interesting game concepts.

  • It would be difficult to get all the information under "Supported file formats" in that space, with the different WAV codecs built in, how to check the codec, the full in-memory decompression of OGG files which might be undesirable, and the way Directshow codecs work for 'Play Music'. It's all kind of important, and it might be misleading to omit any of it - if OGG isn't listed there as a supported file format, for example, a user might assume it is not at all supported, when in fact the decompression thing isn't an issue if the sound is short (like most sound effects). If it is listed, they might wonder why a lot of memory is used if they load in a music track with it. And to be honest, looking it up in the documentation is kind of the usual place to go to find out this stuff, and since you've looked at it once, you now know. Or you can bookmark it for reference.

    The tip at the top is useful to summarise what a parameter is for, but I don't think it's a substitute for complete documentation.

    copy pasted all the relevant info from wiki --

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/constructXAUDIO2.png">

    (forum cuts off part of image, but it all fits in the box and i think the font i used is bigger anyway)

    it could be phrased better and at the end mention "more info at wiki" or whatever. i think it's doable . it would be nice if those tip boxes were accessible to users to edit -- like .txt file(s) that store it all and we could edit in notepad. would let us make personal notes and what not, but we could also submit them to be packaged with later builds if approved.

  • What, you mean you actually had to read the documentation to learn how something works?

    No way!

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/constructXAUDIO.png">

  • it'd also be nice if it let you know file compatibility within the behavior. i had to go to the wiki in order to find out music supports .mp3 but positional sounds can't be .mp3.

  • i found MMF2 through Joakim Sandberg (Noitu Love) and i found Construct through MMF2. nice to see he's using Construct now

  • if it's free, i don't care at all. if it costs money, i'll rent it if it's too short.

  • Most recent episode of COOP has a segment on Love:


    Love is blowing my mind. everything about it is so creative. Footage of the other games is good too, but Love footage starts around 21 minutes in.

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/vlcsnap-8917873.png">

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/vlcsnap-8917890.png">

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/vlcsnap-8918641.png">

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/vlcsnap-8918748.png">

    It's a 200 player online co-op experience against a procedurally generated AI world. You build settlements, including infrastructure and defenses, with tokens collected around the world. No word on release date or even a beta =/