dfyb's Forum Posts

  • sounds neat.

  • Ok, I'll say it then..... Blender sucks.

    Sure it can do everything, but who wants to learn a program that's completely keystroke driven?

    someone who wants to work fast and effeciently?

    whatever works for you though...

  • > i think the best 3D software that is free is Blender. by far


    Don't be a Blender funboy ;P

    i don't use blender because i have access to maya through college, but why the blender hate?

  • i think the best 3D software that is free is Blender. by far

  • click for full size view

    got some basic AI working for drone teamates. as of now, they'll fetch balls and pass them to the player (if the player doesn't already have a ball). if there's no balls to fetch, they randomly wonder around. i think i'll have fun fleshing out the AI -- i was originally a bit apprehensive making AI for the first time, but it's been pretty cool so far.

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  • i think it's planned. i wish i knew how soon it'd be here -- i don't know whether or not it's worth it to spend the time integrating joy2key into my game directly.

  • reminds me of http://www.playauditorium.com/

  • there's a lot of utility in being able to interact with invisible objects.

    one option you could try is to destroy/create them as needed. i'm curious though -- is this the main menu? because it'd be better to do a main menu as a separate layout. and if it's a pause menu (or something similar that needs to not reset the game layout), i'd suggest using a modal layout (layout within a layout).

    edit: also i think this should be in help section

  • nice. i'd submit something, but i had just started working on a game 3 days ago and will continue working on that (attempting to have it ready for a contest later in february). the "You are not allowed to submit a game that you have started before the beginning of the contest, you must create a game specifically for this contest." rule disqualifies it (i think it's a good rule though)

  • http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/courtee.png


    one is a source image of the background. one is a screenshot. seems fine to me..


  • yeah i really dig it. run it on my laptop

  • might be able to trigger the z-order with the Y value of the player, relative to the wall.

    if Player.Y > wall.Y

    --put wall behind player


    --put wall infront of player

    or something

    edit: if you use families for the code, you may need to have the Wall be first in the condition, so that it knows which wall to use. play around with it.

  • click for full size view

    put together a main menu today. works with keyboard or mouse clicks. art is probably placeholder (as is the game's title), but will work fine for the time being

    click for full size view

    did a lot of work on the gameplay, too -- most of it isn't visible in a screenshot though. going to change the ball colors to something besides blue so they aren't confused with the blue lines -- of course particle effects will also match. also removed the two extra players per side -- plan to put them in again with AI. when the multiplayer plugin is released, i'll make it support up to 6 human players -- but until then, it'll be limited to two players.

  • >

    > It's not done, in progress, etc etc.



    Okay, so it's in progress. But something tells me this isn't what it's supposed to look like.


    something's wrong with your video player

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/vlcsnap-2959749.png">

    i recommend VLC

  • So much awesome stuff in these threads! Here's one of mine

    It's not done, in progress, etc etc.


    that's badass. so how far away the circle is changes the spread, too. looking forward to updates on that