dfyb's Forum Posts

  • i think it'd be interesting to try breaking away from the pacman standards -- make the game your own

  • I'm still a huge fan of pixel art, I just wanted to test out the HD version. Maybe a hybrid of the two?

    i was actually brainstorming over an idea sorta like this. the game would be HD, but things like damage would cause the game (or just characters) to become more pixelated. though it would take some advanced trickery, it'd be really cool to have it appear as if the pixels making up the image actually get hit and moved themselves -- if the sprite itself was damaged.

  • Great stuff so far!

    Started testing out higher-res graphics for my game instead of a pixel art style. Not sure which way I'm going to go.


    is that character sprite from a 3D model? personally i prefer HD visuals -- pixel art is nice, but i'm kind of over it

  • came up with an idea today and started work. still programming the basics -- all placeholder art. will try to have enough progress to submit it to a indie game competition by the end of feb, but this game really needs the multiplayer plugin and gamepad plugin to be fully realized .

  • I'd like to invite everyone to post screenshots of whatever projects they're working on. This thread isn't meant to discourage anyone from making a new thread dedicated to their own project -- but if you're working on something and just want to share/pimp it easily, this can be the perfect place to do so (even if you have your own thread)

    If you need a place to host your images to, http://tinypic.com/ is a great option.

    (i'll be contributing later -- I don't want to take any focus as the OP, as this thread is intended for everyone's benefit)

    Pimp away

  • I think you can publish games to XBox live so long as you pay a $99 yearly subscription. I think the end users who want to publish their games will have to pay that too, but it's affordable. It's a cool idea, but I don't have an XBox, which kinda falls at the first hurdle with that.

    XNA can deploy on PC too, and for free. it'd be neat to basically export construct games to XNA source or whatever, where you could then deploy it to PC or 360.

  • <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/rope_construct_round1.png">

    all 3 examples so far have problems when the endpoint is an exact location.

    <img src="http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/rope.gif">

    what i had in mind was something like this, but also with the ability to move the endpoints around (as if they were fixed to a moving object).

    i assume it is because we're all building a directional rope. it seems like we'll need to do some semi-complex math for the joints to treat both endpoints equally.

  • hinges felt really innacurate/unstable to me. it's why i used springs. looking forward to see someone else's stab at it though.

  • ive already done it with physics

    or is that not allowed?

    edit: i saw your thing, i guess physics is allowed.

    i find your thing represents an elastic more than a rope.

    can you post an example of how you did it?

  • Goal: create a dynamic rope (static rope animation using bones won't cut it)

    Secondary goals:

    -allow both endpoints to be able to move

    -adjustable length (control slack)

    -adjustable digit count (rope resolution)

    the more flexible (in terms of potential applications), the better.

    here's my start: http://upload.dfyb.net/uploaded/rope_firstattempt.cap (feel free to build on top of this or start from scratch)

    not sure if i'm on the right track. interested to see if someone else can come up with a better way to do it. as you can see, i've not yet made it to where it draws anything between the digits.

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  • cant you just use 2 families on one object? and then compare them by a variable


    blue value=0

    green value=1

    (but those groups are only for one object)

    how would i call the private value of a family? it's not listed and i guess i'm getting the syntax wrong when i try to type it in manually...

    like how would, instead of Sprite, use Blue here:


    it won't let me do Blue.Value('link2')

    edit: well i can do green... it's like Construct doesn't know Blue has the private variables. how would i fix this?

    edit2: ah, forgot i had other objects in the Blue family.

    got it working.

  • It's something we've recently discussed; after 1.0 we'll be splitting .cap files into .xml files, 1 per layout or event sheet. Graphics will also be external.

    will we still have the option to build a single .exe or identify what we want stored in .exe and what we want stored externally? i like the option to store images externally (makes replacing sprites lots easier) but i'd like to have control over what's called and what's stored within the .exe.

  • actually... do we have the pair plugin yet? i'm trying to figure out how each of your nodes have the same rules, yet independently different results.

    edit: found something:

    but i'm not sure if what's used here could be used for my problem.. that one gets around it by storing coordinates in temp values that it can then draw from. mine need to keep remembering who they are parented to and still move around in real-time.

  • i'd work on a japanese translation but unicode doesn't seem to work, so i don't know how i'd actually use japanese characters. it just acts like there's nothing typed there.

  • could you release the .cap now that we have the necessary features? i'd like to see if this could benefit a potential project. i'm looking for a good way to make something like a rope or chain.