Tutorial: Platform School

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From the Asset Store
A pack of 76 platform designs for a platformer game with a mushroom/jungle theme
  • Hmm...

    <img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/25akdqd.png">

  • You know, he looks awfully calm considering what's below him!

  • Those are his children he's babysitting while Big Momma is out shopping.

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  • i'dont want to know how their momma looks like...

  • i'dont want to know how their momma looks like...

    <img src="http://cardboardmonocle.com/blog/fxsuits/goomba.jpg">

    Hi There!

  • LOL.

    please erease my memory

    btw. it was quite nice movie, i mean i'm not a big mario game fan...but movie was nice

  • The next lesson is finished. I think.

    • [url=http://www.scirra.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=8&t=2154 [list] Making a simple enemy that patrols back and forth. Subjects include Containers and spawning.

    This one only covers the very basics of Containers. As I stated in the tutorial, I strongly urge everyone who doesn't know what a Container is to read the wiki article. <-(That's the link! Click it!)

    As usual, feel free to ask questions here in the thread. And if there's anything you think could be expanded on in this tutorial, let me know. I'll be doing "intermediate" enemy AI in the next lesson, and we're not going to get to the actual fighting until lesson 9.

    Enjoy .

  • Haha! Nice touch with the Swimba

  • Haha! Sorry I didn't get to check it before I left; the swimming Doomba is genius .

  • Love the tuts, keep going

  • Thanks for these great tutorials. I'm really learning a lot about Construct from them.

    I understand why you use separate objects for the platform behavior and the animation. It works really well for Charlie who is pretty much shaped like the same rectangle whether he's standing, running, jumping or swimming.

    What if you're using character animations that should make the hit-box a different shape? Like a taller, thinner character that needs to lean forward while jumping. Or maybe the character's arms swing outside the hit-box while walking.

    It seems like the whole point of the hit box is to have an object that doesn't change shape so you don't have to worry about rubber banding off of walls or hanging off a ledge by your nose.

    Thanks everybody for any suggestion.

  • What if you're using character animations that should make the hit-box a different shape? Like a taller, thinner character that needs to lean forward while jumping. Or maybe the character's arms swing outside the hit-box while walking.

    Well, you just have to be careful about how your sprites. If you want something that's pixel-perfect for your character, it's probably not going to happen unless your character is a square. As a general rule of thumb I make an "average" of the body and head, and just ignore anything that pokes out beyond that. I don't think armsor legs or guns and such in games look all that odd poking through walls... it happens all the time. When it starts looking weird is when heads and bodies start poking through the walls.

    so you don't have to worry about rubber banding off of walls or hanging off a ledge by your nose.

    Hehe, that hanging by your nose thing always bugs me in games

  • All the links seem dead right now.

  • I thought that might happen, so I had the foresight to host them all on our server

  • All the files are still there, it just looks like WHFF has reorganized their directory structure. So what used to be this:

    http://willhostforfood.com/users/deadey ... Events.cap

    is now this:

    http://willhostforfood.com/users/D/dead ... Events.cap

    I've updated the links. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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