Tutorial: Platform School

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From the Asset Store
A pack of 76 platform designs for a platformer game with a mushroom/jungle theme
  • Here are original caps, updated for .92.

    Just figured I'd pass along these amazing tutorials so they can be viewed as intended!


  • Here are original caps, updated for .92.

    Just figured I'd pass along these amazing tutorials so they can be viewed as intended!


    So you fixed them to run on 0.99.92?

  • Progress Report:

    What progress?!?

    Before I left there was some kind of platform bug or something that was holding up production of these tutorials. But I've been gone so long that I don't even know if the issue was addressed, and honestly I don't even remember what it was off the top of my head*. I'm still trying to catch up with the changelogs and whatnot for the builds that have been released in my absence.

    I still have all of my files though, and as soon as I'm all caught up I'll be continuing the rest of the lessons.

    *Actually now that I think about it I believe it had something to do with the player sprite not detecting walls properly in certain situations.

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  • Continuing the lessons? That sounds very fine, thanx for the great, cute tut.

    Hope those enemies will also have ladder climbing abilities or more AI.

    have fun.

  • deadeye is there any hope this tutorial to be completed soon?

    this will be a huge thing for users and for construct software, but it still stays the same.

  • Why hello there, what's this then...?

    Click for full size

    Why, it's Lesson 6 of the newly remade tutorial!

    And that's as far as I've gotten, I'm afraid. I just picked up where I left off a couple of days ago. There have been some problems with working on these:

    1. There were some bugs in the platform behavior with collision masks and falling through moving platforms that were keeping me from continuing.

    2. I've been really lazy.

    After testing things out the other day it seems that the platform bugs have been addressed (thanks, David! ). Likely they were fixed some time ago, but as you may have noticed I was gone for a while and I hadn't been keeping up properly with the changelog.

    As for the laziness, part of that is just inherent in my nature, but more than a bit of it was due to the fact that I was really tired of working on these tutorials. Not only are they kind of a pain to make when I'd rather be doing something else, but changes in Construct have forced me to rewrite the tutorials a few times. I got sick of the stupid tutorials! There, I said it.

    Now that I've had a nice long break, I'm going back to continue work on these. I won't be releasing the tutorial until it's completed and I can post the whole thing at once. I have no idea when that will be, but hopefully not too long.

    For now, I'm going to go ahead and close this thread. It's out of date, full of obsolete info, and for the past two hundred pages it's mainly just people asking "when will it be done?" anyway. I will start a new thread for the remade tuts when I'm finished.

    In short, I am still working on these. I haven't given up. They will be done, eventually.

    Thank you all for your patience

  • Hi deadeye, im searching platform tutorials and i see all were learning with your platform school tutorial.

    Where can i found it?


  • WoW! That's great. I am still VERY novice at making games, and haven't had too much time to really get into making games. This would definitely be a HUGE plus. If others could come with other tutorials, step by step for newbies that would be a great complement to the manual that's currently being made.   <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle" /> <img src="smileys/smiley10.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Where's the download links to the ones in the first post?

  • Azu (and anyone else who's interested).

    Deadeye started a new thread HERE that contains his remade lessons 1-5 as well as his old lessons.

    Not really that hard to find using search :)

  • Hi.

    I convert old Deadeye lessons 1-9 for Construct v2.

    Enjoy: dl.dropbox.com/u/93680926/Old_PS_Lessons1-9.zip

  • Hi.

    I convert old Deadeye lessons 1-9 for Construct v2.

    Enjoy: dl.dropbox.com/u/93680926/Old_PS_Lessons1-9.zip

    I forgot to comment on this before, but thanks for this conversion. I'm sure it must have been a lot of work and now lots of people can have access to tutorials that couldn't be used for at least a year (Since I joined).

    I'll definitely link your post to any beginners asking for help in the future, so once again, thank you! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

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