Extreme Fence Hopping Super Sheep
<img src="http://fc08.deviantart.com/fs46/f/2009/183/2/7/278ac4b14707fd21f3c4870b31de0f9b.png">
Pretty much just made this for fun, 'cause the idea popped into my head out of nowhere, and I couldn't think about anything else, so I had to get it out of my brain as quick as I could.
Saying anything else about this would probably kind of spoil it since the game's so short, but just so you know, there's nothing **** or anything in this, so enjoy.
Download here, or play it right now with Game Jolt's Quick Play feature here.
Right arrow key = Continue/Move
X = Jump
Escape = Quit
R (on ending screen) = Restart
F4 (on blue beginning credits screen) = Fullscreen
Any ratings on my game on Game Jolt will be much appreciated!
Oh, and I have some other projects coming along, so hopefully I'll have something else to show... Soonish...