And now it works ... I don't understand what happened
Thank you.
EDIT : Ok, so I put on the second layout the xaudio2 object, and on the first layout I set "play music" on the start of the layout but I can't hear nothing
I'm gonna make the vol. 3
I'm sorry, but for now, I can't use construct, my pc don't work anymore, so I must use the old one, and this one don't support construct ( T_T ).
I really don't know when the volume 3 will come.
Thanks everyone for your comments
Volume 3 coming soon.
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RPG Maker
... huh ... it doesn't work.
I really don't see why.
[quote:2mun8u47]If you type in, it doesn't have to 'process download request' and up to 30 seconds later let you start downloading...
Uh ... what are you talking about ?
How can I do that ?
This is the best rpg maker game !
This post will be updated later.
I will upload other caps
I love the ending scene .