So, a friend and I are working on an overly ambitious platformer entitled Splynch. We've been at it for the last few months, slowly putting together something fun to play. My friend has done most of the in-depth planning and design decisions while I am doing the programming, art, music, etc, as it is in fact mostly my project which I started and he decided to help out with.
You can shoot lasers from your eyes, glide, munch on seemingly infinite amounts of candy corn and stack powerups on top of each other for absolute laser carnage. If we think the quality's high enough in the end, we'll probably sell it for a low price in order to help our miniscule teenage incomes. We have a bunch of people doing beta testing and so far the response has been overall positive, so we think we've got something good here.
I originally pieced together the first world in Multimedia Fusion 2, and now I'm working on porting the whole thing to Construct because MMF2 is a pain in the *** to work with large projects in and requires way too many workarounds to get more advanced things to work properly. Construct seems far better suited to the game and I was able to jump in pretty quickly due to its general similarity to MMF2.
Here's the first screenshot of the Construct version, which is not only enhanced over the MMF2 version but has also been bumped to widescreen to improve the available viewing area. I'm still reprogramming the engine, so it's a testing level with lots of missing stuff. And I was messing with objects to see what they did and how I could recreate effects I setup in MMF2, hence the 3D Boxes in the background.
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For comparison, here's some MMF2 version screenshots. The first is older and from that version's testing level, and the others are from the actual game and contain stuff as new as last week. Expect the Construct version to look quite similar, if not better.
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