Hey everyone, this is my first post...
Im new to Construct, but not new to the game creation process.
I must say, Im loving Construct.
I use Construct for something a little different...
Whilst I dont make games as such, I need the features that games provide to create what I do.
Im an artist and love puppetry...with these two concepts combine, I create "2D digital puppets" for live performances. Im hoping to get a website up and running soon with downloadable puppets. The basic concept is this... instead of a puppeteer having their arms up a fluffball's ***** they use a keyboard to trigger movement, expression and sound of a projected puppet. Basically, an interactive cartoon.
Ive got a heap of characters under development and quite a few are completed.
Whilst hard core coders and game creators may chuckle at the simplistic idea, the real thrill is seeing kids and adults talking to a cartoon (when in the hands of a skilled puppeteer)!
I would love to post a sample, but im unsure how to do this.