wiz's Forum Posts

  • Hi all...

    Im just doing a few experiments using the webcam.

    Im wondering if it is possible to manipulate the video feed from a webcam via construct?

    By this, I simply wish to make the video negative and mirrored throughout the app.

    Im not intending on recording the video, I simply require the live feed to be manipulated once, then kept like this all the time.

    Is this possible?

    Than in advance.

  • Ive had a bit of a look around thinking that there may be info on creating a random graphic when reuired, but I cant seem to find anything.

    Basically, I am hoping to create a digital card deck, made up of a "deck" of card graphics.

    I am hoping to create something where once triggered, a card is revealed at random.

    Its not the sort of game I usually create, so if anyone can walk me through the process, it would be greatly appreciated.

    Ive got all the graphics ready...

    Thanks in advance

  • Im trying to work out how I would create a vertical scrolling maze...

    My aim is to have 2 players "race" side by side on two separate scrolling thin maps.

    Im having trouble with what I thought would be a simple concept...

    turns out collision detection sucks...I was hoping to get the scrolling to stop if the player ran into a wall, yet allow movement left and right of the player...grrrr!

    That prob didnt make sense!

    Basically, could someone give me a rundown on how I could make a vertical scrolling maze that can be linked to collision detection that inhibits the maze movement when touched??

    Thanks in advance

  • I'm keen to use the wiimote for construct apps... What do I need apart from a wiimote? How does a computer recurve the info,,, how does this info get coded into construct?... If it's possible that is.

  • Hahaha.... I mean the latest version... Spot the "not so noob" noob!

  • Hey, im sorry, but the .cap wont run...

    I get "out of memory" error appear.

    Im running version 1.0

  • Thanx heaps, I'm on the iPod right now, I'll check it out when I'm back on the pc

  • Im working on some new stuff, trying to push in a new way for me in construct. Although this may be a simple thing, Ive nevr really done it before.

    What Im hoping to do is this...

    Have the first layout a "Text input/ setup" screen for the user...Giving them the opportunity to input Text that they wish to appear during the game (potentially many lines worth).

    Then, after setting up the Text, I would like that very same Text to appear in the net layout.

    Basically, giving the player the abbility to change mini Text puzzles each time they play...whilst the gameplay wont change, the Text will...its for an educational game.

    If anyone could help with this, it would be greatly appreciated.

  • actually...dont worry, Ive found it...WORKS UNREAL!


  • than...but how or where do I change the zoom rate?

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  • Is it possible to use advance camera on seperate layers to generate a 3d movement effect such as in 2D animations? than in advance

  • Actually...I do get it!

    Sorry....I was doing it all wrong!

    Than heaps for what you have created!

  • i simply dont get it!

    I followed the eamples, and my scene crashes each time I try to switch from one camera to the other.

    I love the eamples! I just wish I could get it to work.

    Im running the latest construct

  • Hi constructors... I'm thinking of creating a something requiring "camera zoom". I'm hoping construct can do this... But also I'm hoping it can be done in such a way that different layers can have different zoom rates... Giving the 2d animation depth effect,

    can this be done? If so, how? Can it be user controlled (press a key and camera zooms and pans to a point defined in coding). Thanx in advance!

  • Thanx heaps everyone!

    I havnt done too much with any of these thingsbut sounds very doable. Am I right in assuming you can have multiple animation sets in bones, then "trigger" them as required?

    Thanx again!