wiz's Forum Posts

  • Hey, Ive been toying with the physics concept and it looks like it is a no go.

    I can get it to work fine whilst everything is stationary, but once I incorporate user control to the puppets body, the physics effected parts go nuts.

    Perhaps I stick to the simpler -non physics version. I really do appreciate everyones help, but I cant seem to get the puppet physics to work when the user moves the body.

  • Thanx heaps, I thought there would be a simple answer to it...

    yesterday, I worked on a "non physics" version of the puppet...tricking the events so that it seems to have physics..it works well and seems very reliable.

    I will post it up here. How do you post a cap.?

    I will have a go at creating a physics one based on your great suggestion!

    Thanx again

  • Thanx...sounds like a great lil' (but huge) project youve got going on. Have you come across "creatoon"..its a free "digital cutout animation program..v good!

    I have indeed created exe's of my puppets and Im going to be launching a site soon with them on. Im planning on some having a fee attached and others for free.

  • Ok, so things seem to be getting a little too technical in this convo for me now...so I thought I should try and clarrify what it is I am trying to do exactly...

    <img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/30l00g8.png">

    As you can see in the image, I have a hopeful character awaiting puppet control.

    My aim:

    move the body using the mouse (easy to do I know)

    as the body moves ridgidly, the head flops from side to side depending on the force, dirrection etc. But the head doesnt roll all the way round so it is up-side-down.

    Then the hands are also flopping about as if there are arms.

    My main issue is that ...well...there are heaps of issues.

    Nothing seems to be working

    Im hoping this image and explaination helps...Im also hoping someone out there in Construct land can shed some light on how I can do this....if it is possible.

    Thanx in advance

  • hahaha, thanx...I think??

    Im not a huge fan of "trying to look anime". Im a huge fan of "do what ya do to express yaself in your own way". Im sorry, but I have not worked for a Manga studio (unless you are refering to the software known as "anime studio"...but im not a user of that software)...although I was the Colour Stylist at Walt Disney Animation Sydney for 5 years.

    I just draw what I draw and my style is what comes out. I guess the japanese influence shows cause I have lived there for a year aswell...

  • yeah, im toying with it now...but still got no idea what Im doing.


  • Thanks, I will give it a go.

    The sample project wont open...


    I create objects with no bones

    Assign physics

    then code in the IK

    Is this right?

    Sorry for the hassle.

    Thanks for your time

  • Thanks man, after reading the documentation, Im kind of puzzled how it will fit with physics. Has anyone tried this?

  • Hey there everyone...

    Ive been working on a concept for a new 2D digital puppet.

    Basically, there are two concepts:

    1- a marionette... held in position and moved using "hinges" from weighted body parts

    2- a digital glove puppet...the head and arms "flop about" as the body is moved around.

    My big hurdle seems to be getting "physics" behaving sprites to hit each other and react accordingly.

    Currently, the bodyparts just "loop" over each other...and in the case of the glove puppet, the head just rotates till its up-side-down...not a happy chappy of a puppet I must say.

    Does anyone have any tips on ragdolling in construct???

    Thanx in advance

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  • wow...that is cool!

    thanx for sharing

  • Thanx for the great feedback!

    Im glad to hear people out there like my 2D style.

    Ive ust completed the BG for Foofle and Budge...

    <img src="http://i44.tinypic.com/j6mwsn.jpg">

  • Heres another 2D puppet still in production...

    These guys are known as "Foofle and Budge"

    Foofle is the hairy flea ridden monster (fleas are created using particles), Budge is his teddy (that simply does nothing).

    Just to show a slightly different, more retro cartoon style style.

    Foofles arms are moved by the mouse buttons (revealing more fleas under the armpit)

    He also has 4 open mouth positions as well as his eyes and mouth turning to face the mouse position.

    Once again, sorry if this isnt the place for these kind of "apps".

    Its just what I use Construct for...and it does it brilliantly!

    as I said before, I am really hoping to get a site up soon with all my creations.

    <img src="http://i43.tinypic.com/2ep6o2r.jpg">

    <img src="http://i40.tinypic.com/28i70yh.jpg">

  • Thanks for the info on how to get images up.

    OK, here goes...

    Here is the latest 2D digital puppet Ive completed.

    <img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/21d3329.jpg">

    <img src="http://i41.tinypic.com/20qjna0.jpg">

  • Either...Im guessing a screenshot would be easier.

  • Hey everyone, this is my first post...

    Im new to Construct, but not new to the game creation process.

    I must say, Im loving Construct.

    I use Construct for something a little different...

    Whilst I dont make games as such, I need the features that games provide to create what I do.

    Im an artist and love puppetry...with these two concepts combine, I create "2D digital puppets" for live performances. Im hoping to get a website up and running soon with downloadable puppets. The basic concept is this... instead of a puppeteer having their arms up a fluffball's butt, they use a keyboard to trigger movement, expression and sound of a projected puppet. Basically, an interactive cartoon.

    Ive got a heap of characters under development and quite a few are completed.

    Whilst hard core coders and game creators may chuckle at the simplistic idea, the real thrill is seeing kids and adults talking to a cartoon (when in the hands of a skilled puppeteer)!

    I would love to post a sample, but im unsure how to do this.