wiz's Forum Posts

  • Hey everyone, I have been piecing together ideas for a holiday construct project. Here is one piece I need to be sure of before committing 100%... I'm dreaming a small character design studio where the user can edit base parts of a sprite (pixelart).eg: taking the head and customising it by adding new bits to it...

    Then, the altered characters are saved then the parts are assigned to pre-animated bones (pre animated using invisible objects). I guess it would be similar to a "drawn to life" concept... Onlythe characters will be controllable pixel puppets for manipulation... Not a platform game.

    I'm guessing it may be complex... However, I noticed an "image editing" icon and am hoping it may be possible.

    Any help, advice or guidence is greatly appreciated!

    Especially in the area of image editing and saving within an app/game.

    Thanx in advance!

  • Hey there,

    Are there any tutorials out there on Construct specific pixel art? Im not after a "how to draw and anmate (im an ex-disney artist)...Im after a tutorial on how to break up a generated sprite sheet...create frames within a sprite that can be looped, triggered and called upon as needed.

    Thanx in advance.

  • thanx, I just stumbled onto cam studio. looks good!

  • Hey there, Im wanting to capture video files of whats going on in my creations. Can construct do this, has someone created a plug-in to allow construct to do this...or do I need a 3rd party program/app? If so, what do you recomend?

  • Im seeking a plug-in that will enable realtime audio (via mic) to be recognised as an action and trigger events based on the volume of the audio.

    Has this already been done? Is there anyone out there that could create such a plugin?


  • Hi, I jut noticed the "text to speak" icon and began thinking.

    But before I think way too hard and get kind of excited, I thought I should find out a few things...

    By using this "text to speach" thing...will you hear a text file being read?

    Can you extract the text file from storage on the computer whilst program is running?

    Also...does Construct have recognition of live audio? eg: a mic plugged into the computer...when audio is heard, and action can be triggered?

    Thanx in advance.

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  • wooooops, sorry. my bad.

  • I know this may be an obvious question, but its kind of hard to explain what Im thinking.

    I just got an idea out of nowhere for a potential project.

    I was thinking a side veiw battle between a character and physics effected objects...not to mention a beastly boss.

    The way I see it is each level containing a beast/boss that needs to be destroyed by creating carnage of pillars, bricks and rocks....the main character would jump, then detinate the desired blasts to topple objects in the hope of crushing the beast.

    I imagine this game would not only be against the beast (who is also pushing the enviroment over) but against yourself...as one false move could result in self squishiness.

    Has anyone tried anything like this before?

    Any tips or pointers before I begin to flesh it out?

    It may not go any further...but i kinda got excited and wanted to see if there are such projects already underway.

  • Thanx man!

  • Hi everyone, Again, this uestion may be a simple "NO!", but after playing around a bit unsuccessfully, I simply want to be sure.

    I am hoping to have "live audio" (via a mic)...then as the user speaks, I am able to trigger actions and events. Is this possible in construct? If it is not possible, has someone created a plugin to do such things? Thanks in advance.

  • Hi everyone, I know this is the most silly question in construct town, but can construct do online streaming? Meaning an exe file is streamed live through the net to other pcs??

    Like a live streaming channel?

    Just had to ask, please dont get too narky at the dodgey question.

  • Just incase you may think I bumpmapped my smoke...I didnt.

    My puppets need to run on low end computers as well as high end. So I need to keep the effects as simple as possible to enable fast manipulation abilities.


    BTW, thanx for the great feedback

  • Hey everyone,

    Ive just got the initial stages of my next digital puppet underway.

    Its working title is "Ol Smokey".

    Basically, its using particles to create smoke...

    Then, the character details are overlayed with alot of transparency.

    As you move the mouse, the smoke pillar will aim in the direction of the pointer...aswell as the character details following the pointers position.

    When you click on either mouse button, the mouth will open etc.

    As I said, it is still in its infancy. The aim being to create a "mystical creature" who either lives in the smoke or who IS the smoke.

    The pics dont do it justice, but it will give you the basic idea...

    a website with the puppets is comming soon

    <img src="http://i29.tinypic.com/2n0poja.jpg">

    <img src="http://i29.tinypic.com/2a9pahl.jpg">

  • Hey everyone, Ive just added the BG to my latest 2D digital puppet.

    He is very simple, yet very effective. The head wobbles as the body is moved via mouse.

    His mouth has 2 positions, each triggered by either mouse button.

    Again, I know this puppet stuff isnt everyones cup of tea, but I do use construct to create these and also use them for live performances. Im hoping to create a range of puppets using the same mechanics as this one.

    <img src="http://i26.tinypic.com/69m1c0.jpg">

  • Thanx for the help!

    Ive decided to stick with the non-physics version though. It is much simpler to create and way more reliable. Sorry to waste your time. Was great fun experimenting with the ideas tho.