megatronx's Forum Posts

  • > I have some plugin repos links


    > Pode's plugins



    > Library from another repo on my drive



    > Rex's plugins



    > If anyone has more links, please share. Let's keep C2 going as long as it is viable for us.

    Hi, I was wondering to see if any of you have all or some of the rex examples?

    No, I don't have any.

  • Does anyone have any of chrisbrobs's old effects? Specifically, Direction/Motion Blur?

    I think that's the one

  • > > Some of the world and town exploration that I have been working on recently.

    > >

    > >

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    > Nice! Your artwork?

    Yep. I have been doing everything myself. I'm moving over to Godot at the moment as there's a lot of stuff that's really hard in this type of game in Construct once you get to a certain size. I still use Construct for prototyping and testing out stuff though. It's great for that.

    I know what you are saying. Just learned C recently and will be using that probably later. But you know what - I also learned that we are doing a lot of stupid things in construct that we don't have to. And when you actually figure out how it should be done, it will be beneficial in other languages. Pooling objects is one of those things. And I always find myself going back to construct, since is so quick to do stuff in it. I might even complete the game in it, and my one is also complex.

  • > Does the last release 280 not work?

    Honestly I haven't tried to run it, since I remember Ashley at one of the releases said that XP wasn't any more supported. Perhaps am I confusing some features instead of the whole program?

    I was running c2 on Toshiba satellite with duo core, 1bg of ram and nvidai gtx with 512mb ( was playing half life 2 orange box at max settings ), and c2 previews were running like dog poop. Even on my desktop with i5 2500, 16gb of ram and gtx 560ti Iw as getting around 40fps. Demos made in Construct Classic on the other hand where running flawlessly on that Toshiba ( not counting numerous CC bugs ).

    I lost that old laptop somewhere at my sisters place. Just vanished :< It had great lcd screen, nice kb and would be perfect for pixeart and writing.

  • Some of the world and town exploration that I have been working on recently.

    Subscribe to Construct videos now

    Nice! Your artwork?

  • Hi,

    I have C2 and would like to manually do an update to latest nwjs version.

    I already replaced nwjs in nwjsforc2 folder recently, but it was almost never stopping background processes after exiting the program. So I figured there must be some things that need to be done in order to adopt it for c2. Anyone knows how to do it?



  • Construct is a great program. But nwsj wrapper is pain in the bottom for those of us who want to make desktop apps. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I had terrible stutter few days ago, and even restarting machine didn't help. Left it. Got back to it today and it works buttery smooth. Go figure.

    I guess Construct first and foremost is an engine made for browsers and not wrappers. If it had bit more 3d options and proper native exporters ( for consoles, phones etc ) it would be the best game making program ever made.

    But here's a cool fact: construct makes you a better program designer overall, by letting you quickly reiterate to find the most performant sequences of events, teaches you how to strip things down to their core ( to keep that fps smooth all the way ). And there's probably many more reasons why. Afer using construct since 2008, I was able to understand C and UE blueprints almost within the videos run time. And not only that, but I program in C now as I would event in Construct, make useful definitions and typedefs based on what I learned using Construct ( with some of the benefits of C added to the mix ).

  • Construct had this issue with poor performance and frame drops on mobile since forever. And yet it's somehow not Scirra's job to fix it, but us, end users should contact Apple and Google support.

    I can tell you how it will go:

    Me: Hey Apple/Google support, my game runs poorly on Android.

    Them: Millions of games run perfectly fine on our OS. There must be a problem with your game or with the game engine you are using. Address your question to them. Ticket closed.

    I was still using c2 with nw/node. In the past I thought junk was there because cpu wasn't strong enough. But what I've discovered just today really surprised me: I have been developing something with my laptop set to low power consumption, and the game worked flawlessly in nwjs, and today I decided I wanted to see how it works with laptop set to balanced and max power, and to my huge surprised frequent micro stutter started happening!! And it dawned on me that those jitters seam to be related to cpu clock and amount of cores engaged, and that there is a sweet spot for cpu ghz where things perform fine. But that's c2, and I am aware that c3 is way better written.

  • Seems interesting. But can you destroy the ground? I mean, can you 'mine'?

    No, no, this isn't going to be a mining game. If I'd be doing a mining game max I could do is 45x45x2 cube map size, because that's the amount of 3d objects before game starts to jitter. Upside of not doing a mining game, and doing terrain my way, is that I can have a map 16kx16k tiles no problem, 4 tilemaps 4kx4k, or 16 tilemaps 1kx1k . Only loading takes time at the beginning of the layout.

    The '3d default project' is a project that I am trying to do, I thought you had the same idea.

    My objetive was to create a single project that could handle basically almost all 3D games. Practically a premade 3D engine using the plugin and C2 events.

    Yeah, a generic project. Don't bother too much about it. I mean, my engine probably could be used for more similar style games, but I am still considering doing a port in C with raylib, but that's after I have this done to certain degree. Doing a generic project might take a long time. What you need is just model and texture loaders and physics. Rest is supposed to be dependant on a project. I have a brain fog recently regarding physics, jumping etc. In the past I've made good jump/fall in older projects but now, i can't get it right.

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  • Nice work bro! Is this a '3d default project'? Or are you going to build your game straight up?

    Remember that I was trying to build my own '3d default project'? I stopped for a while, a lot of things happened... But in case I decide to go try again: Did you managed to do 3D SAT collisions?

    I also can see that the top of the mountain is a bit more yellow, did you managed to do lighting too?

    P.S. did you found out how to do skybox? If don't, I may can help you, I am not good at it, but I did one quite good enough


    I just finished off terrain collisions. They are not best coded i guess but working perfectly good.

    What's '3d default project'?

    I know how to do skybox. Easiest is to add one more rooj 3d plugin and nd place that new plugin behind the main game plugin. Then create a cube or sphere and set a camera inside it, set it rotation to the same params as the main camera but just without

    moving it.

    The main light and shadows are from "light" object. The green "brightness" is vertex colouring, and depends on noise plugin. Terrain curvature is also from noise, and it generates the tilemap as 3d, as single object.

  • I was considering moving the project to C for a while, but won't do that at least for now, cause I'm getting more and more done in c2. Still early, just finished slopes generation, and will move on to collisions and then more graphics. Used oil painting for the effect thought this is just experimenting with the look. Cool thing is I can make big levels and still have good performance. Would be nice to have better shadows - I might try and program a replacement with vertex colour, thought not sure if it will work as good as a proper light system.

  • Someone have the LiteTween behavior? I am planning to rebuild almost everything I did, I already did almost everything and acquired knowledge of most 3D things, I am not saying that I became an expert or sort of, I still very 'newbie' to this, but I hope I could do my project even better.

    Good. Try sticking to data driven approach, and stay away from functional or inheriting way of doing events. It will a: make it slower, b: make it difficult to change anything later down the line.

    There you go.

  • > >

    I have a 2D project with world generation on an array, I figured out how to generate the top layer (grass) and bottom layer (dirt) and I want to add water generation.. but I don’t know how to implement it... I need water to appear with sand, that is, to begin with, one layer of sand is generated and on top of the sand there is water, and after that there is earth again... I hope I was able to explain.

    > >

    > >


    > I can't open your prj because I don't have seed plugin,

    > But you could just randomly spawn water at x, y-1 or more. This will randomly produce a cube above sand. Make sure that you only create tiles if array cell is 0 or less.

    > but to have a lot of water,



    > waterSpawn = 0

    > set waterspawn to choose(0,1)

    > for 0 to waterSpawn

    > loopindex = 0 create tile sand at xy

    > loopindex = 1 create water tile at x, y-1


    > Hoe you can figure out other things from this example. you can add more loops.

    > If you want water pool you probably need to first make a random choice, then repeat maxWater times for y - loopindex("maxwater")


    > For sand above same logic, just more coding.

    How can you make ore generation on the rise?) As I understand it, I need to check the height ( Y ) in the array and create an ore sprite in place of the stone, but when I implement it, nothing happens...

    I'm not sure what you mean? It does also depends on your code and weater u are using sprites or tilemap ( you should be using tilemaps), so it's hard to say just like that.

  • Thanks GenkiGenga

    My plan right now is to focus on the social media aspect of Animate.

    Not the marketing of influencers so much as exploring the niche of creating content.

    So more motion and graphical design, and only slightly gamdev related.

    I'll be doing stuff for beginners in the content creators realm with tuts and templates, then move to more advanced.

    I was producing tutorials for 3 years, vide editing, sound, script, directing etc for a company that is in competition with construct to some extend, and doing videos for several other big companies. If you need help with getting your idea off the ground, drop me a line on discord - Mikolaj.

    As for motivation, listen up dudes, it's important:

    started using construct in late 2007, and registered on forums in 2008. Before that I used games factory and click and play a bit, as well as rpg makers. Never done anything more then a prototypes of ideas. But roughly in 2009 I started working freelance , and started learning how to get things done by myself. Did a lot of projects for many clients across the years, every now and then coming back to construct to try something out. Those years of prototyping in construct thought me a everything about where are its strengths. Now I'm doing a game that is going to be completed. Here's the trick : have an idea - > write it down -> split it roughly in to stages of development - > work on it as often as you want too and don't worry how long it takes. If you can do a little bit each day, that's good enough. Keep code simple, static, linear, don't use functions, avoid behaviours. Don't try to go beyond what construct is capable off, don't complicate the code and don't get exited, instead give yourself little targets each day. If you can't figure something out for a while, again, just plan it out on paper. But start with most difficult part of your game too. Once it is done you will feel like everything else is just a formality.

  • I have a 2D project with world generation on an array, I figured out how to generate the top layer (grass) and bottom layer (dirt) and I want to add water generation.. but I don’t know how to implement it... I need water to appear with sand, that is, to begin with, one layer of sand is generated and on top of the sand there is water, and after that there is earth again... I hope I was able to explain.

    I can't open your prj because I don't have seed plugin,

    But you could just randomly spawn water at x, y-1 or more. This will randomly produce a cube above sand. Make sure that you only create tiles if array cell is 0 or less.

    but to have a lot of water,

    waterSpawn = 0

    set waterspawn to choose(0,1)

    for 0 to waterSpawn

    loopindex = 0 create tile sand at xy

    loopindex = 1 create water tile at x, y-1

    Hoe you can figure out other things from this example. you can add more loops.

    If you want water pool you probably need to first make a random choice, then repeat maxWater times for y - loopindex("maxwater")

    For sand above same logic, just more coding.