This is the first trailer for Erdluitl, any feedback or suggestion is welcome.
9+Cool man. If you are asking for trailer suggestions and feedback, I think I'd put text 10% of the screen from the top, sliding in and out, using same crt effect. Would also use slightly easier to read font. Would also experiment with adding some effects to the font: gradient, shadow, outline, to make it stick out bit more.
Next, some of the shots that are more static could be shorter.
Would use a bit of vignetting to focus on what's important in the current shot.
But overall it's cool, I like the music and the editing. Game has atmosphere, although as I said, you could refine the art style. For example the brownish ground colour seams a bit too saturated, maybe even a slightly different shade would be better, because it distracts from the characters and you want characters to be grabbing the attention first. With colour it's like this : the brighter or darker it gets, the more desaturated it becomes, exponentially.
But looking at the trailer again, I think I know where the main issue lies: environment tiles are too sharp looking. You could either lower the contrast of the whole image. Or by making the outlines of shapes slightly brighter you will get smoother result. Or by adding a bit of blur to the background. But start with using the contrast FX and lower it in 10% increments. Once it feels smoother. Then you can add saturation fx to layout, or to your characters and increase that. Increasing saturation also increases contrast, but from slightly shifted colour values.
Last thing you could add to your characters is drop shadow, or some sort of shading, to glue them better to the ground. Overall some lights would add a lot to the atmoshpere.
As you see, because I wrote so much, your project does inspire. GL