Locked icon Noticed that forum gone very very quiet

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    To my concern I've been noticing not much action on the forums. I don't recollect ever it being so quiet as it is now. It used to be full of aspiring devs. Any thoughts?

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    It is quieter, a lot of the social aspect was taken out when DMs were removed and as discord gained popularity. Now you'll find a lot of people on the community discord server instead.

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    It is quieter, a lot of the social aspect was taken out when DMs were removed and as discord gained popularity. Now you'll find a lot of people on the community discord server instead.

    I see. A bit of a shame thought. Forums are rather good as an archive, but also without adding posts to the forum search engines don't promote things like games. And it's always nice to get in to some conversations.

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    It seems reasonably busy as ever to me. Early January is often a quieter time of year though.

    People usually come to the forums when they have a problem. So to some extent, well-designed and easy-to-use software should have a quieter forum, whereas complicated and problematic software would have a lot of people posting!

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    It seems reasonably busy as ever to me. Early January is often a quieter time of year though.

    People usually come to the forums when they have a problem. So to some extent, well-designed and easy-to-use software should have a quieter forum, whereas complicated and problematic software would have a lot of people posting!

    I can see your point! Btw. Happy New Year!

    I'd like to share something with you. I don't want to embarrass you, but some 4 years ago by hand of fate, out of nowhere, I've meet and later worked for 3 years with one of the original clickteam founder and developer, and he told me story about you, that you were a kid genius making the best plugins for MMF and I think for GF. In the way he told me this I could still see his awe towards your talent. But he was also very pissed that you left and started construct ( if I recall from when I joined construct forums, it was about HW ). Funny but he wouldn't even allow me to speak about it, so sometimes when I wanted to tell him something related to construct, I'd have to say something like "you know, in that program that cannot be named ...". hehehe. He was working on new tool at the time, js engine where you use basic, and I saw a huge potential in it, because as mush as I find events simple to work with, the speed of typing something vs speed of adding events is quite big, and I wish there would be construct script, events in scripted form. Also as I'm at it creating 2d and 3d objects from verts and colouring each vert options would be great. That's in ROOJ 3d plugin, and I'm using that atm. And I recently installed CC just to check something from old project, and I got to say, native exporter input snappiness can be felt there, plus some of the solutions seamed bit more useful, then the way they were done in later version. But that's not a request, nor a complain, just something I'd personally would benefit from, as I want to make 3d retro games, but with a bit more graphical variety then just cubes and pyramids as it is in c3, and with a bit more control. That's why I was rooting for his proj, as it was gong to be doing 3d too. But it's not fully there yet, maybe will never be, and it was taken over by rest of his team while he moved on, and I, with new understandings about programming I learned from the man came back to c2 and making in it something very cool.

    But yeah, a little intertwined story here.

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