1- should i add the cocoon plugin in C2 project + ATP or just ATP?
2- How to export from C2, as CocoonJS or html5 website?
3- How can i add the app icon and splash screen?
4- What plugins should i add in plugin section on website?!
1. The old plugin just in the old compiler. Use ATP plugins or any other plugin for Cordova. If they are adapted for C2 and Cordova 4.0.x they will work.
2. No, using cordova exporter. Delete the config.xml and let the cloud to create a default one. If using Canvas+, remove the whitelist plugin installed by default.
3. In the config.xml, it is written in the documentation:
4. The ones your project uses. If you used ATP for ads, search for them on the list and install them.
If there is a blank screen, there is an error somewhere. Please, use the dev app for debugging.