I had the same issue, but only found half a fix.
I had the same issue as you where the black screen occurs after the cocoon splash. So after a lot of trial and error, I got my first layout to load fine. I dunno what exactly the right setting is but what I did was :
- WebGl ON
- unbounded scrolling - NO (test with YES and see if it makes a difference)
- Physics - Box2D web
- Loader style - Percentage text
- Not related to the issue, but apply the fix explained by Ludei right above your comment . The second link.
Now I say half a fix cause if your project uses the Physics behavior, it won't load. It will remain black no matter what. My second layout uses Physics and If I transition to that layout, I get the black screen. So I assume there are 2 separate black screen issues. As for now there is no mention of a fix for the physics issue.
Note that this is only with Canvas. You can get the Physics to work with Webview+, but it's pretty much unplayable.