Crosswalk Intel XDK experiences

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  • The official Video plugin Works on XDK?

  • Crosswalk 9 has the patches for the cordova vulnerability. It also has the fix for having too many images problem, which you were seeing on crosswalk 8,


    Can I have as many images as I want in my project now? I just tested my project (which has 249 images) on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (7") and after 15 minutes or so, the game crashed (repeatedly).

    It seems pretty similar to the bug I had in the previous XDK version, when I had too many images. I've build with beta version, not stable.

    I'm also still experiencing a very long black screen between my splash screen and the HTML5 loader bar. Any idea how I can get rid of it?

    Thanks !

  • Can I have as many images as I want in my project now? I just tested my project (which has 249 images) on a Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 (7") and after 15 minutes or so, the game crashed (repeatedly).

    It seems pretty similar to the bug I had in the previous XDK version, when I had too many images. I've build with beta version, not stable.

    I'm also still experiencing a very long black screen between my splash screen and the HTML5 loader bar. Any idea how I can get rid of it?

    Thanks !

    I've got about 500 hundred images, it seems to run ok on lot of Android devices I've tested with beta users.

    But I did have some users crash with Tab 3 7inch and also Z1, it may be related to some background app tasks still running because a memory clean will fix it.

    The black screen between the splash and html5 is chromium being loaded (IIRC), its about 5 seconds.

  • Hello all,

    I'm in the process of finishing my first Android game. I'm getting good results with XDK/Crosswalk. However, I am having some issues that other people have mentioned here (my game is not a web, it's a standalone game to be released on Google Play):-

    1) Audio delay - only on certain devices.

    On my Xperia Play (2.3 factory) play and Nexus 7 (Custom 4.4) - sound effects play with no delay. However, on my Samsung S4 (quad-core 4.4.2 factory) I get a very noticeable delay. I have tried different "tricks" to resolve the issue, but no joy. Is this just a Samsung/Galaxy S4 thing? Has anyone else seen this for certain devices? Just for the record, I get the delay with CocoonJS, so this looks to be a Samsung S4 thing - just not seen anyone else mention that device as being affected.

    2) Lack of volume control for music.

    I can get full volume control for my sound effects, but not for my music. I could define my music as sound effects (which then gives me control of the volume), but on a mobile device that will really hit the memory and I have seen it crash my device once - so that's not an option.

    So, anyone has any advise on the two above issues that would be great. Other than, I really like the results I get from XDK - rock solid fps even on the old single-core Xperia Play. A small one for the wish list. Please make XDK handle fonts in the same way that CocoonJS does. Using fonts is sooooo easy with CocoonJS.

  • Hi there. I'm using Intel XDK for an Android game.

    I've built it with Crosswalk, with Signed checked.

    Now I would like to upload it on Google Play Developer Console for alpha testing, and they're asking me for the Signing certificate fingerprint (SHA1).

    I need both Debug and Release certificate. Where can I get them?

  • Hey! I'm also using Intel XDK for an Android game. The problem that I am having is that my music does not work after publishing it on Google Play. I have read on other forums that looping sounds does not work well once published onto Google Play. Again, the music works fine of course in Construct 2 and XDK. I am limited to building it in XDK using only Android because this game is for a class and my professor told me that the game cannot exceed 10mb so I cannot use Crosswalk due to its enormous mb. I enabled all the plugins that I thought would make it work such as the "audio", "media", and "in app browser" before I built the game but that still did not solve the problem. So, if anyone has had this problem before and solved it or just know of a solution in general, please let me know.

  • Crosswalk 9 has the patches for the cordova vulnerability. It also has the fix for having too many images problem, which you were seeing on crosswalk 8,

    I've updated to the most recent XDK, build with Beta Crosswalk and it's still stuck on loading bar, so I'm assuming the latest beta is Crosswalk 8.

    So Crosswalk 9 in XDK is scheduled for the next release, do you have an ETA?

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  • Same error here! Concerning the ARM build, the loader progress bar is shown correctly, but afterwards the screen stays black and won't change at all. Does someone know how to solve this?

  • Same error here! Concerning the ARM build, the loader progress bar is shown correctly, but afterwards the screen stays black and won't change at all. Does someone know how to solve this?

    Are you installing the app on your phone or using Bluestacks or some other type of emulator? Bluestacks was my problem. Once I started installing on my actual device, the issues were resolved.

  • Installed the app on my phone, did'nt work for android 4.1.1, updated to 4.1.2 and now it works.

    A few other problems occured when testing the app on my smartphone. In the Intel XDK emulator, everything worked fine! The problems are:

    1. The 'wait' command is much longer than expected.

    2. Single frames of certain animations appear as black squares.

    3. The wrapping of text inside text boxes is different from those in the emulator.

    And 4.: In the emulator itself , textboxes are not located at the exact same position as in C2.

  • Hi,

    I started to live some problems when I build my ios app in Intel XDK s Legacy Hybrid App. It now gives the error after I build the game and when I use apploader in my mac:

    WARNING ITMS-9000 "Missing 64-bit support. Starting February 1, 2015, new iOS apps uploaded to the App Store must include 64-bit support and be built with the iOS 8 SDK, included in Xcode 6 or later. To enable 64-bit in your project, we recommend using the default Xcode build setting of "Standard architectures" to bulid a single binary with both 32-bit and 64-bit code."

    Plus it gives lots of errors of Game icons and splash screens for iPhone6 support. I have uploaded all the icons and splashscreens in splashscreens section.

    I basically export my app as HTML and build it as a legacy hybrid app as ios production. The game is online but I tried to integrate Leadbolt ads with iframe in it and now I can not upload it with apploader. I really hope there is a solution to this.

  • New this week... **I'm having horrible luck with Intel XDK exporting crosswalk/android. I finally got Java under control after seeing what worked for others on this forum and the game emulates fine, but any exported apks from Intel crash my LG G2 and crash Bluestacks? I don't know what I'm missing...** Now, the latest Cocoonjs is treating me real well. The CocoonJS Launcher android app is working great for testing, but the best thing was the exported apk. It loaded onto my LG G2 and runs very smooth. I have to say it was very annoying trying to figure out why my Construct 2 wouldn't show Cocoon in export! Why have this hidden "right-click to show deprecated exports" thing? It should be stated clearly somewhere in the export menu.

    **Update - I was having problems with XDK until I tried The only thing different from other tuts was this one said to create a new blank project in XDA first, then target the www folder generated by XDK when you export your C2 Android. I was exporting from C2 first and trying to copy/paste it into the www folder and just not having successful apks. Anyway, maybe this will help other...

    Now, having made a successful apk via Crosswalk and CocoonJS, I can offer this observation - Both run pretty smoothly on LG G2. The difference is, the CocoonJS is half the size of the XDK apk and the CocoonJS is triggering sounds without delay. The XDK mouse-touch-play-sound is way off.

    Reading some more I see why people are skeptical of CocoonJS. I'm happy with the export, but wary of what pricing will be revealed in the future.

  • We are waiting for crosswalk 9 to be promoted to stable. Expected next week and then a little more time for us to put it on the build system and test.



    > Crosswalk 9 has the patches for the cordova vulnerability. It also has the fix for having too many images problem, which you were seeing on crosswalk 8,



    I've updated to the most recent XDK, build with Beta Crosswalk and it's still stuck on loading bar, so I'm assuming the latest beta is Crosswalk 8.

    So Crosswalk 9 in XDK is scheduled for the next release, do you have an ETA?

  • IntelRobert

    I haven't been following this thread lately, but has the WebGL mode blacklist been disabled?

  • Yes. Blacklist is disabled.


    I haven't been following this thread lately, but has the WebGL mode blacklist been disabled?

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