Construct 2 Free LIMITATION

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Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!

    Ha ha, Angry Birds, more like "Physics Engine the Game, now with trial and error!" because it's like any game on

    : p

    I feel a game like Angry Birds (which is INCREDIBLY simplistic - fling a physics object at other physics objects and MAYBE you'll win) can be made within the limits of a C2 Free Edition.

    You won't make a game like Super Metroid with 100 events, but having limitations means you have to get creative to surpass those limitations; however, you won't be able to make your dream game with the free edition. But using the free plugins and behaviors, etc., it'll be damn good practice.

    I think C2 it's VERY affordable right now. It was very nice of the guys here to make the early adopter promotion. Now it's the best way to get it. I understand that in some places $32 might be steep, but you can't really find anything similar to C2 cheaper and C2 will only get more expensive later. So do the math.

    About MMF2, MMF2 it's inferior to C2 for game making. The only thing it has on it the EXE export and a few other exporters. But these will come in the future. I have faith that C2 will have many exporters.

    I am almost certain that angry birds could be made in under 100 events. Maybe not the menu or some of the different power-ups, but certainly the core gameplay.

    Can I sell the game I make in the Free Edition because since I can't afford a license that would be the only way to get one, by selling the small games I make. And one more thing, when is the next competition - I would love to enter, might the the only way for me to get a license.

    If anyone can help me out - I have awesome ideas for small addictive games. Thanx

    Can I sell the game I make in the Free Edition because since I can't afford a license that would be the only way to get one, by selling the small games I make. And one more thing, when is the next competition - I would love to enter, might the the only way for me to get a license.

    No, you require a license. If everyone could plead a case Scirra would have tens of thousands of people trying to grab free copies. if you sell a game you make in the free edition you're breaking the EULA and are breaking the law. Wait until you can afford a license, then sell the game.

    I am almost certain that angry birds could be made in under 100 events. Maybe not the menu or some of the different power-ups, but certainly the core gameplay.

    Definitely in under 100, more than likely including power-ups, .

    > I am almost certain that angry birds could be made in under 100 events. Maybe not the menu or some of the different power-ups, but certainly the core gameplay.


    Definitely in under 100, more than likely including power-ups, .

    Signed. You literally only need 2 events for up and down movement.

    For the powerups: 1-2 events per power-up.

    As I never played the game myself and don't know what you can do in the menu, but a maximum of 10-20 events should be sufficient.

    Edit: Sorry, forgot... you don't have a down movement, only up

    The free edition isn't limited to 30 days - it lasts forever.

    You can make small games in 100 events. I'm sorry if that's a difficult limit for you, but we can't give away the full software for free, otherwise it wouldn't exist at all! No paid edition, no free edition, no Construct 2 at all. So I'm afraid we have to stick with what we've done so we can keep developing it.Ashley2011-12-15 18:04:49

    Construct 2 is biased against strategy games, given that global variables count as an event.

    One could do a work around using arrays, but global variables are included in the drop down list, thus making it more intuitive to use global variables as opposed to a dictionary or array object.

    > The free edition isn't limited to 30 days - it lasts forever.


    > You can make small games in 100 events. I'm sorry if that's a difficult limit for you, but we can't give away the full software for free, otherwise it wouldn't exist at all! No paid edition, no free edition, no Construct 2 at all. So I'm afraid we have to stick with what we've done so we can keep developing it.Ashley2011-12-15 18:04:49


    Construct 2 is biased against strategy games, given that global variables count as an event.

    One could do a work around using arrays, but global variables are included in the drop down list, thus making it more intuitive to use global variables as opposed to a dictionary or array object.

    I agree that the global variables could be not counted(but local variables are just too convenient to not be counted), however, even for strategy games, you should keep their number pretty low (ressources would be easily stored into dictionnaries, and having different dictionnaries for the different players, global variables being used for values that are global to the game itself).

    Also, the free version of C2 is here to learn the program before buying it, of course it is not as convenient to use, but it is worth it and small projects can do without needed that much convenience.

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    In case you were wondering, we are not going to change this.

    Construct already is the best bang for your buck. Other engines will cost you for upgrades, that are not plenty and useful as C2 updates are, or they will charge you by year. They charge small fortunes for exporters. C2 also has an awesome community and I believe that now, with the new Store we`ll have a lot of new tools to work with. And even the free version allow you to do a lot.

    Using Construct is a CHOICE. You have a choice to use the free version (with its limitations) or purchase the full version, which is very affordable - there are no update fees either! If the license is too costly for you, or you do not wish to pay a dime, then there are many alternative options out there.

    Most javascript based game frameworks are free to download and use. Learning to code games in JS is not that hard - just takes some time and practice. Even building your own games in pure javascript is fun to learn:

    Aside from learning to code, there are many free game engines, creators, and frameworks out there:

    Unity has a free version.

    A list of JS frameworks for games (Construct is included <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_wink.gif" alt=";-)" title="Wink"> )

    Just a couple of examples! So, in the end it's a choice you make - it's not as if Construct has a monopoly on game creating. A Unity Pro license is too expensive for me - so I use other 3d game creation tools, both free and/or less expensive.

    And compared to the software, the hardware to run Construct on is (much) more expensive. So I can't see how the "I do not have enough money to buy the full version of construct" holds true. You need a reasonable rig to run Construct on in my experience.

    In the end you make your choice to save money for a license, or not. Save up by not drinking that can of soda pop each day for a couple of months, and drink water instead - presto, you lead a much healthier life style, and gain a Construct license in the process as a gift to yourself!

    I kind of feel like an idiot for not knowing about this limitation before. I have just started a huge project, based off of an amazing idea for a game about the story of a guy that gets trapped in space that will take way more than 100 events to complete. But seriously Scirra, I can understand not handing out Families and unlimited Layers in the free version, but putting a limit on the amount of events one can use? That's a bit of a cheap move. Some of us just want to make a cool game or two without paying an insane amount of money for a platform. Thank you for making Construct 2, great program, but I'm kind of miffed about this event thing.

    I kind of feel like an idiot for not knowing about this limitation before. I have just started a huge project, based off of an amazing idea for a game about the story of a guy that gets trapped in space that will take way more than 100 events to complete. But seriously Scirra, I can understand not handing out Families and unlimited Layers in the free version, but putting a limit on the amount of events one can use? That's a bit of a cheap move. Some of us just want to make a cool game or two without paying an insane amount of money for a platform. Thank you for making Construct 2, great program, but I'm kind of miffed about this event thing.

    Im sorry, could you define what "cheap move" means?

    Early Adopter License for Scirra Construct 2: $32

    That's such a huge amount! Imagine how many pizzas you could afford with that, how many games you could buy, hell, you could get yourself a pair of shoes with that.

    Clearly $32 is FAR too much for some software that you can create production-quality HTML5 games with. How dare Scirra put a price tag on it!

    I don't want to live on this world anymore. When is the next Mars-bound ship?

    do i sense some irony? ....

    Vicu yes the license for C2 might be high... of sorts in that situation... im guessing your from Romania as i am or some development country, what i did at first to get my license, was i took a small project for about 400 usd asked 200 upfront(there i been lucky), then i paid for the C2 license, and made my second paid project! 200 usd if you get unlimited access to C2 is not much if you think on how much more you can make with the tool that is a investment.

    as a example, before i tried C2 i bought Stencyl, on some way Stencyl is a good tool, however i spent around 300 usd to get a 1 year license that is the way they give it to you... now you'd say.. well in 1 year youl make some cash... wrong... projects take time... if your lucky to get into the low quality market and have clients in bulk then yea you'd probably manage to survive a little but its not a feasible investment, since you got to pay each year same amount... no discounts... if the end of year comes... well hell no 1 day extension unless you pay. however most of software companies are willing to give you a longer access to a partially product if you pay half lets say, then after payment in full u could get the license... but for that you have to contact their official support. that is the way Stencyl works, i dont know how C2 business work on that side.

    also, while other software are free yes... they will either take % of your income for life this is the unreal engine 4 way.... which is ok, or take nothing unless you get to a income of around 100k at which point theyl ask 10k or full license payment, that is unity case.

    however the C2 simplicity is what we all are looking for and not the power of development compared to unity or other bigger software... that will probably come later... oh and since irony is a trend here..... try buildbox for 30 days then pay 100$ each month ...or you can get the game maker edition... is cheap yes... 50 bucks or so... but exporters are 200 bucks each... 450 for android only... total cost on GameMaker around 800 usd ...

    for full license access... 1 time payment 150 usd for C2 personal edition i think is more then fair. and i think scirra could do better on asking more cash of add a different licensing, and "milk the cow" ... as others competitors are doing, however they are not greedy. their just in this for survival of company, for creating something for people and yes making cash to sustain themselves personally as well . everyone does it no matter what the initial purpose is. and wold be hypocritical to think either wise, cause everyone of us will do the same if we where in their shoes. anyway... im way further from the main chat... 100-200 usd 1 time payment, hell 1500 usd 1 time payment is nothing compared to the long run stream income you can develop with the software your investing in.

    and coming back to C2... with 100 events... you can make great games... small games and limited to html5 browser yes... but great ones.. which can open you doors to create other bigger ones, or develop the same one at a higher scale.

    good day.

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