Wazza's Forum Posts

  • I have found the holly grail of traffic generating. If you have a website or you're hosting a game and you need visitors/traffic keep reading...

    How does it work?

    It is a point based system really, you need points in order for you to get visitors. When users visit your websites they earn points, you get to specify how many points to give away per visit - the higher the rate the more visitors you get. The website is self explanatory. I advice you to use this website if you're looking for quality free traffic

    Please note that the link I'm gonna share with you guys is an affiliate link - I'll get points for refering you guys. Please use think link as a form of appreciation

    Here's the link http://traffboost.net?ref=F53

  • IndieKiwi I so agree with you. Most of the so called "free hosting" services out there aren't really free, they either want you to pay for extra features by limiting your free account or they give you these ridiculous terms and conditions that prevent you from hosting a descent website with them. Not to mention they force you to create domains with f'd up extensions!

    I have used 000Webhost.com before but the ad issue also bumped me out, but overall they have a good service. The other site I used was freehosting.io, they claim everything is unlimited but then again they shove these ridiculous terms in your face. They're more like Hostinger but with terms and limitations - infact I think they are supported by Hostinger itself because I remember when I hosted a website with them in the footer it showed "Hosted by Hostinger" and all my 404 erros redirected to the hostinger website [STRANGE]. Anyway the other downside about freehosting.io is the they're servers are always done and the cpanel always has errors.

    I shall continue looking for free services out there and sharing them with you guys. Peace!

  • For weeks I have been clicking that Google 'Search' button trying to find free domains and hosting. I stumbled upon a couple, some even claiming to unlimited disk-space and band-with. They do however bind you in some ridiculous terms that it ends up being useless to use their service. Without further adieu let me let you in the biggest score of your lives as far as free websites are concerned:

    1. Free Hosting:

    Visit http://api.hostinger.co.uk/redir/3470825 - Please note that by clicking this link you will be helping me as I get a small commission if you decide to use their service. I do appreciate so very much if you use this link. However you can use this link to go directly to the Hostinger website http://wwwhostinger.co.uk - No hard feelings

    Upon registration you will get the following all for the price of $0

    -2000MB Space

    -100GB Traffic (Band-width)

    -PHP and MySQL

    -Site Builder

    -No Banners or Ads

    Plus you can create as many websites as you like

    2. Free Domain

    Visit http://www.freenom.com where you will get free UNLIMITED domain names such as .tk .cf .ml and .ga

    You get to keep these domains for life but you renew every year, you can also register as many domains as you like - no limitations.

    I hope I have been of great help to whoever reads this post. Enjoy making cool games with construct 2 and free websites with the tools I showed you above. Peace

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads

    If you have a business license and wanna team up to create cool addictive games PM asap!

  • Okay thanx very much. Much appreciated )

  • Thanx for taking the time to reply. So what exactly do you mean bh "instantly upgrade?"

    Are you saying I can ask for donations as long as I instantly use that money I get to upgrade to a pro edition? What if I sell the game I make with the free edition or start making money off it so I can buy the license, is that allowed?

  • Hi, I know this is probably a dumb question to ask but I had to. The thing is I have so many cool game ideas but I don't have a license - I can't afford one. Does Scirra allow people to ask for donations in a game made with the free-edition?

    The reason I ask is that that is my only option of raising enough money to but a personal license.

  • Hi, after adding a path-finding behavior to your object(lets call it enemy). You go to the event sheet, add a new event - for this I'll use 'On start of layout' and add a new action for 'enemy'. You then scroll down until you see the title "Pathfinding" then you choose 'add obstacle' and you just choose that particular object you want to be an obstacle. That's it!

  • I'm not really familiar with Construct 2 physics just yet but have you tried tweaking the 'Friction'. Decrease friction on down slope and increase on up slope, or vice versa.

  • Hello, unfortunately I can't PM just yet - not enough reputation. Please PM me your email address.

  • Great review. I've always wanted the book but unfortunately I can't afford one at the moment. But that's a brilliant insight thank you.

  • Hi, I'm Wazza

    Hello everybody I'm Wazza. An indie game developer, amateur web designer/developer and a novice programmer.

    And A student

    Wazza .. would you be interested in this -

    Unfortunately I'm only doing freelance jobs at the moment. I wouldn't mind helping you out though.

  • Awe....

    That's true but I'm an I.T student.