Wazza's Forum Posts

    I'm 20 years old and a student. I don't mean to be arrogant or anything and yeah I do get what you saying. But I believe I can get things done, I'm a fast learner. I believe construct 2 has so much potential:

    Like the other day I spent the whole day researching how to make a character walk on slopes and auto-adjust their angle - I found nothing that was relevant.

    Then one day out of the blue sat down and in like 15 minutes I got it to work, I have a player that walks on any kinda slopes and auto adjusts no matter what - all under 5 events. I also created a template to change controls in-game to your preferred custom control without adding any functions or extra events.

    I'm not bragging or anything I'm just trying to prove a point. I'm not a genius or anything LOL I just dedicate myself in whatever I do, and yes I do burn the midnight oil sometimes working on construct 2 and Unity 3D. And I'll be making tutorials on "In-game change controls" and "walking on slopes" plus many more discoveries I find

    Can I sell the game I make in the Free Edition because since I can't afford a license that would be the only way to get one, by selling the small games I make. And one more thing, when is the next competition - I would love to enter, might the the only way for me to get a license.

    If anyone can help me out - I have awesome ideas for small addictive games. Thanx

    If you need any help I can help you out for chump change or even for free just to gain popularity. Hopefully people can help me to buy a license through donations.

    Don't be afraid to ask, big or small project. I can take on any task!

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  • Hie, unfortunately I'm new and I can't PM anyone just yet but I'm very keen to work with you.