I kind of feel like an idiot for not knowing about this limitation before. I have just started a huge project, based off of an amazing idea for a game about the story of a guy that gets trapped in space that will take way more than 100 events to complete. But seriously Scirra, I can understand not handing out Families and unlimited Layers in the free version, but putting a limit on the amount of events one can use? That's a bit of a cheap move. Some of us just want to make a cool game or two without paying an insane amount of money for a platform. Thank you for making Construct 2, great program, but I'm kind of miffed about this event thing.
Any potential user / purchaser - of any item, whether game creations system, car etc - should always ensure to research the item fully to determine the viability for them.
The fact that you obviously haven't done this can hardly be blamed on Scirra.
All details of the different license types are quite visible here: