C2 Licenses to Steam key and related questions

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This is a single chapter about "Decision Science" strategy games from the "Construct Starter Kit Collection" workshop.
  • This blog article by Ashley is a must read.

  • Hey congrats on getting on steam, was really happy that you got accepted, was great to see you actually appear on their today.

    Was wondering how easy it was to integrate construct 2 into steam, I have been wondering how easy/hard it will be to integrate a C2 game into steam via the greenlight system.

  • Awesome news guys!

  • I want to buy a personal license. Should I buy it from Steam or directly from the Scirra website? If I buy it from the Scirra website, how long does it take to receive the activation key?

  • My advice would be to do it from the site. I'm pretty sure that while you can redeem your license for a steam key it doesn't work the other way around, so buying on the site will get you a license you can use even if Steam is having is one if its off days.

  • Congratz!!

  • PixelMonkey

    Thanks for the advice!

    Buying from the Scirra website just "feels" right.

    The Steam community will definitely grow and have an identity of its own, but I've grown fond of the website community.

  • hm... so if i buy a personal license on steam would my " personal copy" of construct 2 be available without using steam? coz i don't understand why price is so different

  • same question

  • I've bought a personal license through the website! However, I haven't received the personal license code. Does anybody know how long does it take to receive the code? I've also sent an email to licensehelpfst@scirra.com.

    UPDATE: I've just received the e-mail!! Thank you Scirra for your OUTSTANDING Support.

  • hm... so if i buy a personal license on steam would my " personal copy" of construct 2 be available without using steam? coz i don't understand why price is so different

    I'd also like to know the answer to this -- I was about to pull the trigger a personal license last night, when I realized it wasn't clear how this would work. :P

  • I want to buy a personal license. Should I buy it from Steam or directly from the Scirra website? If I buy it from the Scirra website, how long does it take to receive the activation key?

    The website.

    It appears that some people are experiencing problems using never versions

    on steam.

  • Thanks Vaupell!!


    I bought the license from the website.

    I can download all the betas, and use it without any other "required platform".

    I personally recommend you buy it from the website (as of late January 2013).

    The support given directly by Scirra (licensehelp@scirra.com) is impressive, in case you have problems/questions.

    I do not know anything about the quality of the support given by the Steam platform; although there is a growing Steam Community forum where Scirra members are giving tips and advice.

    Hope this helps to any game developers interested in buying a personal license.

  • Not sure where I should post this, but...

    I've been getting this error when trying to opt-in in the beta 117, since it was the version I was using before.

    <img src="http://i.imgur.com/Q8NOBIS.png" border="0" />

    If I click "ok", Construct 2 opens, but it's still version 114. <img src="smileys/smiley18.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I tried re-installing everything, checking the integrity cache, etc, but nothing works. If I opt-out of the beta, I still get the error, unless I reinstall it completely.

    Another weird thing is that when I download it, it says the size is 300+ MB, but it actually is just 98MB.

    It works normally if I don't opt in the beta, though.

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  • A quick Google turned up this, looks like a problem with Avast antivirus.

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