C2 Licenses to Steam key and related questions

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This is a single chapter about "Decision Science" strategy games from the "Construct Starter Kit Collection" workshop.
  • Really weird, I don't have Avast. I use Win8 and Windows Defender, since it comes with it.

    But anyway, I tried that and it seems like it worked (I'm not getting the error anymore), but I still can't download the latest beta from Steam.

    Do I just have to change the option and wait? Or maybe it'll only work when the next beta comes out?

    Thanks Ashley!

  • I'm already regretting to've bought this on Steam. Should've thought this through.

    I feel like we will be able in "disadvantage" with non steam versions.

    I haven't been able to download the beta versions neither. What can we do?

  • I went ahead and reset my steam construct back to non opt in and deleted it. When it was reinstalled it installed version 114 which was expected.

    I then went into the properties and set it up for beta opt in and it was immediately changed to needs update and after doing that it was version 117.

    This was both with the "Construct Free" version on the steam store as well as the "Construct Personal" version you get from Scirra.

  • If we bought construct 2 on steam, we will only get v114?

    How can we update to the newest version?

    Thanks in advance

  • I'm already regretting to've bought this on Steam. Should've thought this through.

    I feel like we will be able in "disadvantage" with non steam versions.

    I haven't been able to download the beta versions neither. What can we do?

    Why should we regret?

    Scirra should ensure the steam copy is the newest one too.

    If Scirra intends to sell old copy on steam, it's not fair for steam users. It's not logical to write a blog to inform people they can buy on steam and finally get wrong version, just for little discount.

    One more question:

    Do we get normal version and steam version too,if we buy on steam ?

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  • The version on Steam is the latest. But it's the latest stable version, as in, the most reliable one. The newer ones are beta versions, and they aren't as reliable.

    You can download both from Steam, just right-click Construct 2, go to properties and select the "beta" tab, and change the option.

    It doesn't work for me because of some bug.

  • Hi all,

    In fact, I bought C2 on steam yesterday and can't find it in my library of steam account.

    I contacted steam and supportvjc@scirra.com .

    When will I get my personal license?

    (I can provide details of my purchase)

    Thanks in advance


    Construct 2 is put in ALL SOFTWARES instead of All Games (default) in library of steam account.

  • I also bought Construct 2 Personal on steam, while it is nice to have it on steam it does rather make it impossible to create a portable version, as the steam version does not provide you with a licence file, so we cant just copy C2 to a USB stick, copy the licence and go work on a laptop, you need steam, which is a bummer.

    Is there any way for people who purchased it on steam to get a licence file sent out?, providing we send Scirra proof of purchase ofcourse.

  • ... Is there any way for people who purchased it on steam to get a licence file sent out?, providing we send Scirra proof of purchase ofcourse.

    I want to know too. We should be allowed to do so because it is the same product Construct 2, no matter it is on steam or on Scirra.

    Steam just provide a place for grouping games or softwares only.

    For example, if we buy GTA 4 on steam, we can still access social group. It is the same GTA4 selling in everywhere. No difference.

    Please help.

  • The version on Steam is the latest. But it's the latest stable version, as in, the most reliable one. The newer ones are beta versions, and they aren't as reliable.

    You can download both from Steam, just right-click Construct 2, go to properties and select the "beta" tab, and change the option.

    It doesn't work for me because of some bug.

    I've done this. It just doesn't offer me any beta updates after selecting from the dropdown menu. I've uninstalled construct and downloaed it again from Steam, and it still will install v 114.

    Any other suggestions?

  • I've done this. It just doesn't offer me any beta updates after selecting from the dropdown menu. I've uninstalled construct and downloaed it again from Steam, and it still will install v 114.

    Any other suggestions?

    Try removing the Free version from your steam list if you have it there, then quit steam, and reload it.

  • > The version on Steam is the latest. But it's the latest stable version, as in, the most reliable one. The newer ones are beta versions, and they aren't as reliable.


    > You can download both from Steam, just right-click Construct 2, go to properties and select the "beta" tab, and change the option.


    > It doesn't work for me because of some bug.

    I've done this. It just doesn't offer me any beta updates after selecting from the dropdown menu. I've uninstalled construct and downloaed it again from Steam, and it still will install v 114.

    Any other suggestions?

    I got it to work by downloading the latest version from here:


    And installing it on Construct's Steam folder ("c:/program files/steam/steamapps/your name/common/construct 2" or something like that).

    Actually I installed it on a regular folder, then selected everything and copy/pasted onto it's Steam folder, and it worked. Not sure if it's advisable though. I'm pretty sure this is a bug with Steam, since they're new with apps and such.

  • Tried that but it reverts to FREE edition, i lose my license.




    > > The version on Steam is the latest. But it's the latest stable version, as in, the most reliable one. The newer ones are beta versions, and they aren't as reliable.

    > >

    > > You can download both from Steam, just right-click Construct 2, go to properties and select the "beta" tab, and change the option.

    > >

    > > It doesn't work for me because of some bug.


    > I've done this. It just doesn't offer me any beta updates after selecting from the dropdown menu. I've uninstalled construct and downloaed it again from Steam, and it still will install v 114.


    > Any other suggestions?

    I got it to work by downloading the latest version from here:


    And installing it on Construct's Steam folder ("c:/program files/steam/steamapps/your name/common/construct 2" or something like that).

    Actually I installed it on a regular folder, then selected everything and copy/pasted onto it's Steam folder, and it worked. Not sure if it's advisable though. I'm pretty sure this is a bug with Steam, since they're new with apps and such.

  • If you uninstall the personal Construct. Then install the free Construct, opt for beta on the Free, restart, it will update the Free to the latest one. Then if you install the Personal Construct it will load as the latest beta version :P

    It's just a workaround, but will do for the moment.

  • Meh I am having a problem with some platform behaviour ( when you move from one tile to the next, the player will vibrate for a few seconds sometimes ) I am using the beta version on steam, and because you can't have the beta + stable version running on steam side by side I can't tell if its just in 117 or in 114 too, ah the joys of steam, it would have been great to have the licence file available for steam purchases for exactly this kind of bug testing scenario.

    Other than that, love it :P

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