cyberdrizzt's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • In lieu of font outlines you could display the text twice, one in black, and over the top of it in white, moved the black text down 2 pixels and left 2 pixels to create a faux shadow?

  • I asked Ludei on twitter if they had any plans to add RevMob, they said it's not in their plans at the moment, which is a shame.

  • I think you may have to rely on Ludei adding RevMob to their list of advert SDK they support, if you are running it on CocoonJS I mean. I hope they do as in the past I have found RevMob to be the best way of generating some real money with adverts in games.

  • I wonder if, were a C2 game to become popular, it would not be seen as highly as a game made in a more low-level engine.

    I don't think the game players would care what language the game was written in, as long as it was fun and played well, which is one reason I hope for better and better export options, cocoon is working well for iOS games but I have only tested some simple prototypes I wonder how it would handle a larger game?

    But no the end user only see's the game they dont know or care if it took 1 guy 2 weeks to make or 10 guys 10 months.

  • Just think of the engine, be in Unity, XNA or C2, as a tool, everyone can use tools, but not everyone can make something with them.

    UDK is a good example to bring up, as that is almost entirely scripted, sure the scripts can get complicated and doing some things in it are harder than others but it's a script none the less, much like events and behaviours in C2 so if someone thinks a great game made in UDK is great while a great game made in C2 is not, they are just being snobby.

  • But - it's awesome, look at Mortar Melon, that's as polished and slick as any game of its kind could be.

    Exactly, anyone who thinks using C2 makes them a fake developer should mention this game to them its great and a testament to what can be done with C2.

  • I am using C2 to prototype with at the moment, I have been creating commercial casual and indie games in other languages for quite a few years things such as pascal, c#, monkey, objective c to name a few.

    It is great to be able to put together a working game in a few hours and see if your idea clicks or not, this is when I would go back to my language of choice and create the game, but as C2 adds more and more features I hope to get to the point where I will just create the game in C2 and never look back, maybe it's because I'm too used to having low level access to many things but when I think of a feature that needs access to lets say the stencil buffer it is quicker for me to do it in c# than hack a way of doing it in C2.

    But as I said I love C2 and hope to use it soon for actual games as some of the example projects and works in progress you see on the forums are very inspirational.

  • Try Construct 3

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  • The problem seems to be if you install the free version, then the personal version on top of that, then the beta on top of that.

    I deleted everything in steam and the steam / windows folders associated with Construct 2, then installed straight to beta 117 and it is all working great now. I have been using 117 for a few hours now with no slow down in the editor at all. <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • I have reverted back to steam version 114 and there are no issues with the editor, even after several hours of use, so the problem may just be with the beta 117.

  • Steps to reproduce:

    1. Load up Steam

    2. Load up Construct 2 Beta 117

    3. Wait 17 mins

    Observed result:

    Editor goes from silky smooth to impossible to operate.

    Expected result:


    Browsers affected:

    Chrome: yes/no

    Firefox: yes/no

    Internet Explorer: yes/no

    Operating system & service pack:

    Windows 7, Windows 8

    Construct 2 version:

    Beta 117 (Steam)

    [Extra Info]

    It happens if you have steam in offline mode too, it is perfect until 17 minutes after launch, then it suddenly becomes unusable until you quit and reload.

    If you load up construct 2 work for 15 mins, quit, reload construct 2, work for 15, quit.. reapeat it will be fine, but once it goes past 17 minutes, the bug occurs.

    Also you can't quit steam sometimes after the bug comes up, claiming that Construct 2 is still running "Waiting for construct 2 personal to shut down".. despite quitting it and nothing present in the task manager.

    [Non Steam Version Works Fine]

    I should note that I have tried the stand alone beta version of 117 and it has no problems, even after an hour or so of use, so I think the problem is only with the steam version of Construct 2, or steam is interfering with it in some way.

  • Are you running the steam version?

    I am having a similar problem, after a while alt+tabbing out of construct 2, checking steam, opening the animation editor in construct will start to slowly slow down the editor a lot, till its at the point you need to quit it and reload ( using beta 117 )

    My guess is something isnt quite right with the steam intigration, my graphics drivers are up to date, pc is up to date etc etc ( I work full time as a games developer so I have to do these things :P )

  • Meh I am having a problem with some platform behaviour ( when you move from one tile to the next, the player will vibrate for a few seconds sometimes ) I am using the beta version on steam, and because you can't have the beta + stable version running on steam side by side I can't tell if its just in 117 or in 114 too, ah the joys of steam, it would have been great to have the licence file available for steam purchases for exactly this kind of bug testing scenario.

    Other than that, love it :P

  • I've done this. It just doesn't offer me any beta updates after selecting from the dropdown menu. I've uninstalled construct and downloaed it again from Steam, and it still will install v 114.

    Any other suggestions?

    Try removing the Free version from your steam list if you have it there, then quit steam, and reload it.

  • Hi

    I'm John, I live in Scotland.

    I just bought Construct 2 after playing around with it for a few days I could see the potential.

    I predominantly program in C#, monkey and Objective C, I have created several PC and Mac casual games over the years which still sell on portals such as Big Fish Games.

    I plan to use C2 for rapid prototyping but as the exporting platforms mature I can see myself using it for creating the actual games, the beta version with the new node-webkit to exe / mac app export is a very exciting step forward for building executables.

  • I also bought Construct 2 Personal on steam, while it is nice to have it on steam it does rather make it impossible to create a portable version, as the steam version does not provide you with a licence file, so we cant just copy C2 to a USB stick, copy the licence and go work on a laptop, you need steam, which is a bummer.

    Is there any way for people who purchased it on steam to get a licence file sent out?, providing we send Scirra proof of purchase ofcourse.

  • 15 posts