PLEASE Add: Outline Text Object With A Color!!!

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  • <font size="5">PLEASE Add: Outline Text Object With A Color!!!</font>


    After a few frustrating months with "GameMaker: Studio",

    I left it in search of something better.

    I stumbled upon your "Construct 2" and bought it.

    It's much easier to use than GM:S.

    I need SCIRRA "Construct 2" team to add the following necessary function:

    • Outline text object with a color!

    Above is a need, not a want.


    Look at this screenshot:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    The "Press [Spacebar] To Start!" text is difficult to read...

  • In lieu of font outlines you could display the text twice, one in black, and over the top of it in white, moved the black text down 2 pixels and left 2 pixels to create a faux shadow?

  • This might be a nice to have I guess, but I'd much rather Scirra spend their valuable time on more pertinent issues.

  • If you'll look at the top there is a search box.

    This was the first thing a search for "outline" returned.

  • In lieu of font outlines you could display the text twice, one in black, and over the top of it in white, moved the black text down 2 pixels and left 2 pixels to create a faux shadow?i,

    I tried adding a second text with black color

    and positioned it with an x,y offset of 1 or 2.

    Just does not look good in my eyes as the developer.

    I've got 15+ years C++ programming experience.

    (I also hand built an HTML5/JS 2D game engine before)

    How hard would it be to write a JS script to be read by "Construct 2"

    to draw a white text with a black outline in JS script??

    Let me know!


  • CSS comes to my mind.

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  • Not an easy solution, but hopefully this CSS plugin will do the trick:

  • As I mentioned in the other thread, you can create a spritefont and use ths spritefont plugin.

    CSS won't work as the text is on the canvas not in the DOM.

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