C2 Licenses to Steam key and related questions

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From the Asset Store
This is a single chapter about "Decision Science" strategy games from the "Construct Starter Kit Collection" workshop.
  • Firstly, you have to start steam offline.

  • Where are the updates for the STEAM version????

  • imothep85 : They are on steam already.

    Are you sure you've set your version to update beta releases like explained in the blog article ? (link in the first post of this topic)

  • Like i said on facebook, YES the BETA UPDATES are ACTIVATED for construct2 in my steam account...but nothing change, its no update at all working on steam.

  • You need to have the Free edition in your Steam library and set that to use beta updates. Otherwise it won't use betas. It's a quirk with Steam.

  • have you called or emailed steam about that problem???

    if you read the construct community in steam...its terrible...

  • When the steam bug its going to be corrected, for the construct2 updates?

    have you contacted the steam, team about that problem??

  • I bought C2 from steam for use in my office, the problem is that I cannot install Steam on the computer at work. I asked Valve to give me the license key for Construct but 1 month has passed and a lot of mails have been send and I still cannot use C2 at work.

    I emailed Scirra for my license key but they blame each other, scirra told me to ask Valve and viceversa.

    Can some one tell me what can I do? I bought C2 and I still cannot use it.

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  • Wow, I was debating whether or not to make the purchase through Steam or Scirra. Seeing all the problems related to Steam, I think it would be better to make the purchase directly through Scirra. The support would be better.

    Good thing I was able to take advantage of the Spring Sale too.

  • A big downside to purchasing through Steam is that Steam is still caught up in being a Game provider, and there are mechanics to Steam that suck for normal Applications. Steam pauses downloads when you open a game through Steam, and also only lets you open a single game at a time. This is generally OK, though why stop downloading a game if the game that is running doesn't even use the internet?

    But for APPLICATIONS, these restrictions are literally stupid. I know that I have been able to open Construct and have a game running as well, but not always. I often am forced to close down something before opening up something else, be it Construct that is already open, or in the case of trying to open Construct. And since Steam is getting into selling all sorts of Game development apps, art apps, productivity apps, etc., this has become a fatal flaw in buying apps through Steam.

  • A big downside to purchasing through Steam is that Steam is still caught up in being a Game provider, and there are mechanics to Steam that suck for normal Applications. Steam pauses downloads when you open a game through Steam, and also only lets you open a single game at a time. This is generally OK, though why stop downloading a game if the game that is running doesn't even use the internet?

    But for APPLICATIONS, these restrictions are literally stupid. I know that I have been able to open Construct and have a game running as well, but not always. I often am forced to close down something before opening up something else, be it Construct that is already open, or in the case of trying to open Construct. And since Steam is getting into selling all sorts of Game development apps, art apps, productivity apps, etc., this has become a fatal flaw in buying apps through Steam.

    Honestly that doesn't bother me much, it's usually a bad thing to have more than a program running, it would overload my computer and I want the best performance for a game afterall.

    One thing that does bother me in Steam is that when it's in offline mode, the program randomly stops working, claiming there is no account info and that can't go to offline mode, but if I get to a place with internet, it suddently works without having to login or anything.

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