Vaupell's Forum Posts

  • 6 posts
  • supporting multiple screen sizes

    does this help?

    Nice of you,

    Thank you..

    had to remove the last part of the url for the link to work..

    but i got it.

    Thumbs up!   <img src="smileys/smiley32.gif" border="0" align="middle">

  • ViewportBottom,ViewportTop system variables to align things.

    Thank you for this!

    I'ts mostly the border that annoys me.

    I've pulled the app since it was just for testing purposes.

    My fiance was sad one day so I've made an app that does nothing but

    show a screen with text and play some music saying "love Vera"

    That really cheered her up :D

    But noticed the same issue here as with the test app,

    with scaling on tablet not matching like it did on the phone..

    Love app link :p

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Been playing around with experimental apps,

    converted via cocoon js and deployed on android market

    and i have noticed they are fine on a phone, up to around 5"

    minitablets, however when you load it into a normal tablet

    it does not "stretch" or fill as on the phone, and i end up with

    a whitespace or bar on side from the the lack of background.

    Is there any way i can secure a correct fill of the background

    on any size view, even if some crazy person would load it into a 55"inch

    screen, now that android is coming to Tv's..

  • I want to buy a personal license. Should I buy it from Steam or directly from the Scirra website? If I buy it from the Scirra website, how long does it take to receive the activation key?

    The website.

    It appears that some people are experiencing problems using never versions

    on steam.

  • Hi guys,

    No code exsamples, I'm in the planning phase.

    General idea "Color matchup game with a twist ;)"

    However, is it possible C2 to compare the colors of sprites?

    Or would you recogmend going about setting up a comparison function,

    of some sort.

  • Hi there.

    My name is Martin Vaupell

    Tech enthusiast and love games.

    Started coding on Commendore C64 in the early 90's

    then switched to Amos and Amos pro a basic styled language on the Amiga.

    In the late 90's i switched to PC and started working in FORTH,

    Assambler and finally we got into object oriented C and C# with windows ;)

    Barely ever thouched scripting like HTML, php, asp etc.

    only made some simple websites and bulletin database updates.

    I just purchased this because i thought it would be fun and entertaining

    to play with, and i see a great community around this software so i basicly just wanted to show my support.

  • 6 posts