[Plugins] Construct2&3 Cordova Plugins

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Cordova device Info mobile and browser modules detect-gpu
  • cranberrygame I am asking in here as it seems to have gone unnoticed on the google community. Two things.


    Your PhonegapGame plugin only seems to allow the option to login to Google Game once per game launch. Allow me to explain...

    I prompt a login using your plugin when the game is launched, but if the user chooses not to login initially I also have a button on my menu screen that should prompt it. However, this option fails instantly when clicked. I have tried different variations of this setup and it appears that every time, if the first login attempt fails, until the game is reset, it will continue to fail thereafter.

    PhonegapGame-User image url

    It seems your plugin isn't retrieving the users profile image URL correctly. I can set sprite by URL using Scirra's official Google Game plugin, so it's not my event setup causing the issue, but it doesn't work using your plugin. Do you know if this is a bug? I know other people have had a similar issue.

  • In case anyone is interested, I figured out how to get the cranberry facebook plugin to work when exporting natively to iOS.

    All I had to do was to activate Custom Cordova Plugin called 'Facebook* Connect'


    Do you have any plugins which will allow a user to access a players list of facebook friends?

  • On more question for you guys though.

    I'm having trouble with the Facebook plugin. Users are able to log in perfectly but when trying to share or post to FB the games shows a FB pop-up with a loading symbol, loads for about 10 seconds, then jumps back out into the game.

    Anyone encountered this or know how to solve it?

  • cranberrygame

    Hi Sang,

    I've been trying Ejecta full screen ads and I am getting an console error: Plugin is v1.0.15

    "2015-03-17 15:18:57.450 Night Golf[675:98228] TypeError: undefined is not a constructor (evaluating 'new Ejecta['AdMobPage'](this.adUnitFullScreen)') at line 18747 in index.js"[/code:1jb7k8t6]
    Any idea what's wrong?
  • HI cranberrygame

    Ive been building with Intel XDK crosswalk using the admob plugin

    On android this shows the Test-banner nice

    BUT on my iOS build it dont shows the TEST-banner on my adhoc-build (ipad)

    Am I doing something wrong ?



  • Hi cranberrygame

    Could you tell me if your plugin Phonegap Game is working with Game Center (iOS) using Intel XDK?


  • Change log (2015.3.22)

    Phonegap Facebook

    1. fixed android-support-v4.jar build conflict with Phonegap Game problem. and also need to modify intelxdk.config.additions.xml file see: https://plus.google.com/102658703990850 ... HsiUrvZXWT (so no need to use Phonegap FacebookPB (just use Phonegap Facebook))

    2.Added facebook share auto time line posting marketing example (example_phonegapfacebook_advanced_facebookshare_auto_requires id.capx)

    p.s Post message in G+ if possible: https://plus.google.com/communities/117 ... 5005605917


    Sang Ki Kwon

  • https://plus.google.com/communities/117 ... 5005605917

    Change log (2015.3.23)

    Added Referer plugin: check referer (html5 > analytics)

    [HTML5 website] [android] [crosswalk] [cordova cli]

    ex) url including referer code

      market://details?id=com.cranberrygame.avoidshit&referrer=facebookad  [/code:rb2e9ul0]
    [url=https://plus.google.com/communities/117978754675005605917]https://plus.google.com/communities/117 ... 5005605917[/url]
  • I am asking in here as it seems to have gone unnoticed on the google community.


    Your PhonegapGame plugin only seems to allow the option to login to Google Game once per game launch. Allow me to explain...

    I prompt a login using your plugin when the game is launched, but if the user chooses not to login initially I also have a button on my menu screen that should prompt it. However, this option fails instantly when clicked. I have tried different variations of this setup and it appears that every time, if the first login attempt fails, until the game is reset, it will continue to fail thereafter.


    I have the same problem here!

    Let me know if I can help you!

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  • is there an example capx for the IAP plugin ? from some reason i cnt make it happen

  • Hi cranberrygame ,

    will your admob plugin work when I use Intel XDK and export it to Android (not to Crosswalk for Android), or are there any known issues?

    Do you recommend using Crosswalk? The admob plugin is really decreasing my FPS (I assume the official C2 admob plugin is the same plugin as yours?).

  • Hi cranberrygame,

    Just recently purchased the full pack. How do I get it?

  • cranberrygame The google game services leaderboards have the option to send back the user placement in every leaderboard, so you can notify them when they lose their place to someone else, this is a very engaging feature to have, do you think you can add it to your plugin?

    Thank You.

  • CreativeMind yes the native AdMob plugin also uses Cranberry's plugin (com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.ad.admob)

  • cranberrygame Congratulations for your work!!

    Cordova and Phonegap is very usefull for make small games or non apps games and apk size is acceptable. ( crosswalk size is fatal for positioning small games in google play )

    Please continue your work , is very good .

    Any plans to develop a plugin with native sensors ?.Pressure , hygrometer, bluetooth LE (low energy)


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