[Plugins] Construct2&3 Cordova Plugins

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  • cranberrygame

    I installed the cranberrygame game plugin but when i start my game that i installed on my smartphone (via. USB) and click the Login Button my game crashes.

    What is wrong?


    Here is my code:

    (I also filled in my App ID in the phonegap properties)

  • suneelnairk




    You post this on G+ community.

    I will check.

    And will reply to G+ community.



    Replied see: https://plus.google.com/116566223935450 ... FDQeN3tu1s


  • No reply in the Google Plus group so I'm asking here.

    The Crosswalk builds fails in the XDK when using the Facebook plugin with the following;

    [dependency] Found 2 versions of android-support-v4.jar in the dependency list,

    [dependency] but not all the versions are identical (check is based on SHA-1 only at this time).

    [dependency] All versions of the libraries must be the same at this time.

    [dependency] Versions found are:

    [dependency] Path: .../EscapeFromSpace/com.phonegap.plugins.facebookconnect/FacebookLib/libs/android-support-v4.jar

    [dependency] Length: 987314

    [dependency] SHA-1: 9b6a9a9078af571732159b904ad423b03b7cc786

    [dependency] Path: .../EscapeFromSpace/libs/android-support-v4.jar

    [dependency] Length: 621451

    [dependency] SHA-1: 5896b0a4e377ac4242eb2bc785220c1c4fc052f4


    .../tools/ant/build.xml:577: Jar mismatch! Fix your dependencies

    So presently I cannot get past this point.

    Does anybody know how to fix the problem?

    EDIT: I have been informed this issue is caused by using both the facebook and game plugin.

  • TheWyrm

    Sorry for late reply.

    Try this: https://plus.google.com/107107588579347 ... 38FEhop9U1


  • Hello Maybe if it's possible, please could you take a look at Amazon Gamecircle? It's like Google Play Game Services, but actually for Amazon Apps. I think it would be an awesome extension to be added to the repository <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

    https://developer.amazon.com/public/api ... gamecircle

    Kind regards.

  • When I load the photo from the capture plugin, the image loads into a sprite flipped horizontally. Does this happen to anyone else?

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  • cranberrygame I am using your IAP and found that the store prices(Google Store) only appear if I had bought the product in the past,

    Could you please check if thats the case at your end too? I am following all the steps from your Sample CAPX

    ALso, can you please please bring Windows 8 IAP support to your plugin too??

    I am going crazy juggling between 2 IAP plugins :'(

  • Now. current version of cranberrygame PhonegapScreenOrientation not work on IOS app.?

    For me, it works, but then I get NO touch controls. i.e. I can't touch/tap anything in my app until I remove it.

    Any help please as I can't publish.

  • cranberrygame


    Do you think it's possible to integrate AppStart ads in your plugin for the future ?

  • > Now. current version of cranberrygame PhonegapScreenOrientation not work on IOS app.?


    For me, it works, but then I get NO touch controls. i.e. I can't touch/tap anything in my app until I remove it.

    Any help please as I can't publish.

    bump. anyone else using ScreenOrientation?

  • codah & nichekeys I'm using ScreenOrientaion and having no issues what Iphone are you guy's using? also are you using the latest plugin?

  • cranberrygame, Does your cordova IAP plugin work with iOS? Please let me know. I am unable to get C2 - IAP plugin work with iOS...Though I followed all the steps in the C2 - IAP plugin page and the apple developer forums, nothing happens when I click on the in-app product in testing mode on my iPad...Not sure what I am missing...Also there is not much help on forums in this regard. Does your iAP plugin help?

    Edit - I downloaded and used your PhonegapIAP plugin as well. Even this is not working with iOS. After some more debugging, I figured out that none of the conditions like "On store listing success" or "On store listing failure" conditions are not even triggering! Could you please help? I did all the steps exactly as I have read in several forums...I would have spent 5 to 6 hours on this making sure everything was exactly setup...But no use .Please help.

  • codah & nichekeys I'm using ScreenOrientaion and having no issues what Iphone are you guy's using? also are you using the latest plugin?

    I guess I have the latest... just downloaded it days ago. I tried my app on an old-ish iPad.

  • cranberrygame

    I am using your PhonegapIAP plugin for iOS. The problem is that I followed all the steps but still the app remains dumb doing nothing wrt IAP...Here is my screenshot. I am requesting the store listing on start of layout after adding the product id --> then the text sets to "Requesting store listing". If the store listing is successful, then the text should turn to "Request triggered" and if the store listing is unsuccessful, the text should turn "Request failed". But none of them happen and it just shows "Requesting store listing" forever on the UI. Not sure what is that I am doing wrong...The only thing is I am Cordova CLI - Xcode to build/run my app rather than IntelXDK route...Does that make any difference?

    Any help is deeply appreciated as I would have spent hours to get this working

    Here is the screenshot of my eventsheet.


  • Okay finally I figured out that either Cranberry's plugin or C2 - IAP plugin only work IntelXDK!

    I strongly urge cranberrygame or Ashley to have the C2 - IAP plugin or PhonegapIAP to make it work with plain Cordova CLI / Xcode as well? Or atleast suggest how that can be done?

    I believe Cordova CLI/Prepare for iOS/Xcode project is pretty much the standard route to publish all iOS apps (w/o having to undergo the pain of using IntelXDK - back and forth between mac/desktop uploading /downloading certs/prov files/ipa's etc., etc.,). Please correct me if I am wrong.

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