[Plugins] Construct2&3 Cordova Plugins

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  • Bought the RevMob plugin yesterday and it worked great and super easy to use. But I was not that impressed with the Ads they were offering. The banner used almost half of the screen and the interstitals took about 5 seconds to load. So now i bought all the plugins and gonna try some ad services. Can anyone recomend wich i should try first? And thanks to cranberrygame for all these awsome plugins.

  • DetteMan I am not impressed with Revmob also, I would highly recooment Vungle Plugin The first day I tried I had like $391.97 eCMP one time and Revenue was 11.76 in just one day. It is for Android tough for the time being but will be available for IOS soon. But it is not like that right now not too much revenues but also my downloads are really less these days that's why. But sometimes even for less impressions of less clicks you can get much more revenues than the other sites.

    Also Chartboost I would recommend but this one also performs much better in IOS so you shuold check the performances in both stores( Googleplay and IOS). Also with Chartboost you can crosspromo your own product (you can advertise one of your game in another game of yours) which is valuable. And both Vungle and Chartboost have analytics so you can follow how much of your app is downloaded. With Chartboost you can even soo how much of your game is installed on devices so both of them are pretty useful. They both pay with paypal as well.

    Check out this thread for vungle. bit.ly/1DE53vt

  • volcank Thanks for the tips. Vungle and Chartboost is just for video ads, right? I dont really know what i'm looking for but i guess that banners and interstitial is what i need. I like the way AdMob shows my ads but I dont know if there are better options when speaking of CPM etc.

  • DetteMan Vungle for videoads yes but Chartboost is only interstitials for the time being but you know it works especially for IOS. The ads are really neat looking by the way and there is no like 3-5 seconds delay like Revmob. But the thing is you don't get any revenue through impressions but when the user installs the advertised app. Looks far maybe but you get around and between 0.70 - 3 dollars for each install and this is way better than waiting for cents to fill in the blanks Ofcourse with chartboost you may wait like 1 day with no revenue 0 dollars but suddenly you might have like 3 dollars. For vungle I guess they pay for impressions as well. One thing I like about Chartboost is like I said before you can create your own game art and advertise that game in your other game for free while you are serving the other ads. So you game pops up inbetween them or you can say like eveyr hour.

    Also I heard Admob banners are good but since I didn'T recieve my envelope from Admob for PIN and waiting for my second envelope I am trying to use other ad networks.

    Good Luck!

  • mchulet

    Sorry, I did not test the plugin yet.

    And try Phonegap LocalNotification plugin.



    No special changes.



    First, log out from itunes.

    When login popup shows up in the app, then login with sand box tester id.


    //if you don't want to spend real money buying your own app, setup your test users and buy with test account.

    itunesconnect - Users and Roles - Sandbox Testers - +


    It is probably not PhonegapFacebook's problem.

    Please if not solved this problem yet, send me intelxdk.config.additions.xml file.






  • Hi , I like to do also a chromecast game...any tutorial or help arround ? Or do U have a capx that i can see to understand that ? please give me a little help...there are no infos in the net...I searched for days.... thanks a lot



  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • cranberrygame

    I guess there is a bug at the Phonegap Game plugin. The game crashs when it triggers 'Get Player Image'. I'm using the latest version of your plugin.

    Here is the error report from Google Play:

    [quote:137mk7v6]java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String android.net.Uri.toString()' on a null object reference

    at com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.Game._getPlayerImage(Game.java:449)

    at com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.Game.access$400(Game.java:58)

    at com.cranberrygame.phonegap.plugin.Game$4.run(Game.java:186)


    This only happens if the player has no image uploaded to his Play Game Account. Otherwise it works.

    Hope this information helps you


  • mariogamer

    Currently no chromecast c2 plugin.



    Fixed the issue

    Download again.

    Caution: native url was updated (see https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/186 ... index.html)


  • mariogamer

    Currently no chromecast c2 plugin.



    Fixed the issue

    Download again.

    Caution: native url was updated (see https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/186 ... index.html)



    Thanks <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile"> Downloaded it! I also have updated the tutorials and uploaded 1.0.63 to shatter-box at your product, so you don't need to update it.

    Did you get my mail about the Facebook problem?

    Thank you very much for your hard work and great support!

  • AndreasR

    Sorry I forgot it.

    Sent reply now


  • thanks, hopefully there will be soon a chromecast plugin

  • codah Can you email me from I can not send private messages yet with my current profile so I can not reply you back.

  • codah Can you email me from I can not send private messages yet with my current profile so I can not reply you back.

    yep see you in the other thread

    cranberrygame with the Vungle plugin, there is no 'on ad dismissed' like with AdMob, so I'm assuming I just have the 'show ad' action followed by my next action (e.g exit app) and it will happen auto-magically?

    I also assume that 'PhonegapVungle: On available' is equivalent to 'AdmobAds: On interstitial received'? I don't seem to get that event. I have set up my Vungle account. Will keep trying.

    edit: test Vungle ads coming in ok; it seems if I just show the ad, it works, regardless of 'on available'


  • mariogamer




    Please, post to G+ support community.


  • cranberrygame

    Are we still waiting on Intel to update their crosswalk build servers to be able to use the new Facebook plugin with Crosswalk for Android build? I'm still getting build errors.

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