cranberrygame pls checkout your emailbox.
I mailed you but mail is returned.
Tell me other email by PM.
Sang Ki Kwon
I cant send pm. Too Less rep. Try kleinandreas84 Or
Sent email to kleinandreas84
I installed your app. I do not see free license key. All it shows is a blank text box and send. With various buttons to buy different licenses for plugins.
I press "get cordova admob plugin free license" and it tells me I need more coins.
You can see bottom Free Coins button, click it and you can earn coins.
I am pressing it but it forwards me to download apps.
See bottom buttons in this screen capture:
Created "How Plugins For Cordova help your app dev" mind map. ... 0850475314
Thank you very much
I get this error. I lost 30 coin due to this error. Because I tried twice.... ... 5005605917
Change log (2015.5.13)
Added Cordova Parse plugin (send push notification)
See youtube:
Came here looking for google play plugin. I have to say this whole "Shop" setup thing is a total mess.
Everything is all over the place and not on a single website with stupid download apps for coins crap.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Fixed the app coin bug.
Let me know your email by PM.
You can get free coins from bottom button of downloaded app and get free key.