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    Watch Video ^ Then read my comment.

    Let's keep it simple.

    Connect to signal server > login > join room

    You must sync all objects using the multiplayer plugin.

    Take the multiplayer plugin, rip away the laser bs and you have the basic multiplayer everything is based off of.

  • Alright so this is the idea,

    You can set a hit box for the entire animation then go in and change the animation points.

    But the problem is when you have 30 frames for that animation and you have to keep adjusting that hit box to fit the character because the character moves.

    The character body doesn't change even though it moves so it will always be a square or w/e have you but you have to click each one of the hit box points and then move them to the correct spot.

    My idea is to be able to copy the hit box points and paste them into another frame as actively selected as the same shape so that all you would have to do is move the box into place. I think this would greatly cut down on the amount of effort someone would have to do to create a hit box that works for them. It might be simple, but simple might be all you need.


  • I've seen some post talking about that it is possible to write and read from a text document.

    I'm very interested in how to do this if anyone could give me some insight would be excellent.

    I was able to use ajax and read from a text document but I can't seem to figure out how to get it to write.

    I'm new to ajax but not construct 2.

  • I'll keep it simple

    On Start of Layout >> Browser >> Request Full Screen.


    Game is now running in full screen except that the Microsoft Windows tool bar at the bottom appears over the game.

    How do I fix this?

    I am running the game in NW.js as I'm developing for PC.

  • With a proper authoritative host set up, the only thing a peer should be sending to the host is their inputs, and the host already has all the data values to begin with.

    But since that isn't the approach you are using, the only things I can suggest is:

    a. Send multiple messages with different tags containing different information.

    b. Send a single message using a token to sperate different information, and on the host side parse it back out with the tokenat() expression. You can use the & operator to combine strings when building your message.

    As for identifying who sent the message, that should have been covered in the multiplayer tutorials. In an event with the "on peer message" condition, you can get the peerid of the originator with the "fromID" expression.

    Really interesting stuff here thanks.

  • I'm pretty decent at the Multiplayer Plugin and what I'm trying to figure out if how do we have the host spawn an object on a peers behalf that holds three different values.

    The peer needs to drag and drop an item from a list.

    That item holds two values, ID and AMOUNT.

    The peer needs to tell the host which peer is dropping the item because the item is spawning on top of that peer's character.

    I know I can send a message to the host telling the host which item to spawn but how do I tell it to spawn an object with the values ID and AMOUNT as well as which peer is dropping the item?

  • Can you share a capx with the problem you are experiencing?

    That's the thing I can't show you a Capx that does it because it happens randomly.

    So even if I sent you a project that it happened in it doesn't mean the problem will happen again.

  • I want to see how many other Devs out there have had this problem with construct 2.


    You'll have something work like a bullet flying though air.

    You'll work on something that doesn't have anything to do with the bullet.

    Once you preview the bullet is standing still.

    You check the code but everything looks good.

    You save and Close then Reopen Construct 2 and Everything is Fine without you changing anything.

    I can't tell you how many times this has actually worked for me and it's something that's caused me Hours/Days of stress. I honestly don't know why Construct 2 sometimes just doesn't work like it's supposed to.

  • Say you take that Multiplayer Tutorial Live Action game that comes with Construct 2.

    How many players can it have before it just cashes or lags so bad it's unplayable?

  • If necessary, you can convert a value to a string using the str() expression and a string back into a value using the int() expression.

    Generally speaking, sync is the probably the more proper way method for send values - either via instance variable, or inside a data object like an array or dictionary. That is more for host->peer data though. I think it is not common practice for peers to send anything besides input values to the host, unless you don't care about having an authoritative host, but that's up to you. Having an authoritative host keeps things much cleaner logically in terms of peer/host events (or at least it does for me).

    Thank you for the help. As you can tell from the bumps I been stuck on this problem for a little bit now.

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