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  • Cool I did some testing and found out C3 will open C2 projects which I'm extremely happy with.

    About Set Tile,

    Ok so Set Tile wants a X & Y Cord but when you send a message over the network to change one of the tiles it becomes more complex then simply entering Mouse.X or Mouse.Y

    It's hard to explain but I'll do my best here so bare with me.

    Tilemap image Broken into a

    10 x 10 grid.

    You place the tilemap on the canvas and now the tilemap on the canvas has it's own index.

    (We're not talking about the 10x10 grid for that the image is broken down into)


    1 2 3 4 5

    6 7 8 9 10


    If you try Mouse.X and Mouse.Y you get a weird thing where it looks like this

    1 2 3 4 5

    2 2 3 4 5

    3 3 3 4 5

    4 4 4 4 5

    5 5 5 5 5

    Then you have the problem where you can't say oh Mouse.X or Mouse.Y because Mouse.X and Mouse.Y locally are changing every Tick.

    You see the problem here?

    Now instead of going off cords you say hey, I know the Index I want to change so (Set Tile At Index)

    to (Multiplayer.Message)

    I know this isn't a common problem but it's a problem I've had, I know there is some work arounds with json but it would be so nice if I could just click click insert multiplayer.message and be done.

    I hope that makes sense \_(-_-)_/ I did my best

  • I'm a long time user of Construct 2 and just moved to Construct 3, There has been a few things in C2 that I wanted but never got so I'm hoping by posting this message I may finally get what I've desired for so long.

    I'm making a list for easy reading.

    1. Text Input Plugin

    I'd like to be able to change the color of the back ground. The Text, Give it a drop shadow and if I so choose to remove the background of the plugin all together.

    2. Tilemap Plugin

    I'd like to be able to have a function to (Set Tile at Tile Number) There has been this missing function where you already know the number in the Tilemap.

    3. User Media

    Now I know some clever people have figured out how to do this but what I'm looking for is for the user to be able to talk to another player using this plugin. Maybe expand upon it with some kind of local connection to the host.

    4. Change design of Construct 3 to Construct 2

    I'm so use to the Construct 2 design that I personally like it more than the C3 one so i'd like an option to change it to look more like what I'm used to.

    5. Open C2 projects

    I'm not sure if this works but if not I'd like to be able to open a C2 project in C3.

    I know this might be a big challenge and maybe not even do-able but it would be nice.

    6. Audio

    Now I think it would be cool if a character in the game would give the player some kind of doppler effect. Maybe have a check box for like "Objective is listening?" So the audio would relate to that lone object then you could place more local sound effects in the game. It's just a thought but I think it would make the games feel more alive.

    7. Tile map Drag to Remove

    Basically I want to be able to use the eraser but with the drag box feature to remove items.

    Alright thank you for the time.

  • For Construct 3

    is browser based only?

  • Where is the download link?

  • Is there no way to extend that deal to everyone who bought construct 2 but that didn't get the message?

    Also I don't want to skip over this, What's the deal with Construct 2? Will you keep supporting it like you said you would or is it just Construct 3 now?

  • I just want to voice my opinion here about Construct 3 and maybe pose something to Ashley along with the rest of the Construct team.

    First off I think it's an amazing engine you've built and generally am a fan of the work you've been able to do so what I'm about to say isn't a personal attack against you or the company so here goes.

    What's the point of making Construct 3 other than finding a way to charge people again for the same product? To me it looks like nothing more than a UI graphics update and also I want to point out that Construct 2 was a one time payment but now Construct 3 is a pay per year product and I got to be honest I'm not gonna buy because of that, Subscriptions suck! It seems to me that Construct 3 has less value than Construct 2 did simply from what you promoted with Construct 2 with it's "Updates for life" advertisement and the fact that I don't have to come up with $100 every year to use the product. You're taking the Adobe route and I personally don't feel it's a good move. Now the other more serious part of this is I've seen post here on the forums talking about how an update would only be done in Construct 3 essentially leaving Construct 2 to rot in the dust even after people paying over $100 for it and you're promise of updates for life.

    I'm an old user and I've noticed the changes for the worst here, You threw up a bunch of flare but in the end really stiffed us. You could of reworked construct 2, Renamed it to just be Construct and kept your promise of updates for life then found new ways to earn extra money other than just selling the main game engine. How about an interactive learning class, Or making the engine more modular and sell add-ons to increase functionality in specific ways. I get you want to take yourself seriously with these new graphical updates across the program and website but to me I feel disconnected from it.

    If you wanted to sell a product that wasn't the same thing as construct 2 you could of at least offered some kind of deal to people who owned construct 2 and encouraged people to switch but you didn't. You got $99 up there like hey! come buy me, I'm new and cheaper but not really cheaper and actually the only thing new is a polish UI. To the people who may get upset at this post, Remember that Construct 2 was supposed to keep getting updates ("FOR LIFE") meaning buy once and never worry again which I've seen users bring up issues that they've found with Construct 2 and basically been told nothing would be done because hey... Screw the old community am I Right?... If they said hey this is the end of development line for Construct 2 we've done all we can do with the current tech and are moving to making a 3rd better version and heres a deal to get you to switch with the same pay once deal. Then yeah I wouldn't of even posted this.

  • I already know about that.

    What I'm saying is a feature where you already know which tile you want to change without outside data and all you want to do is change that tile.

    Say you got

    1 2 3

    4 5 6

    7 8 9

    You already know you want to change 5 so instead of saying MOUSE.X MOUSE.Y BLAH BLAH complex system follows.

    You have set tile at tile 5 to - tile 2 Simple

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Key notes:

    I'm not using any 3rd party plugins, just the default construct 2.

    I'm not using a different version of construct 2 than the one the project was built in.

    All I did was save my project, close out construct 2 and turn the computer off for the night, in the morning I reopened construct 2 and when I went to open my project it gave me this error:

    Failed to open project C:\Users\MyName\Desktop\ProjectName\V.01\ProjectName.caproj

    Error document empty

    The file may be invalid. Try checking the file in a text editor (Projects are saved in XML format)

    Did I just lose my entire project? Ashley

    How does one fix this issue?

  • Excellent thank you for the reply.

    The information is getting sent though the multiplayer plugin and it's time sensitive, meaning I can't send the information separate thought multiple messages otherwise it could corrupt the data with other user inputs.

  • Ashley

    I'll be quick,

    How about adding a (Set at Tile Number) to the Tile map expressions.


    Like say you want to change tile 20 in the tilemap

    And you've already got the value of 20.

    You would use (Set at Tile number) to change tile 20's value to the value you want.

    I'm using Construct 2 btw thanks :) if there is a plugin that does this please let me know.

  • How can I store two strings in a var and then later grab one of the two strings from that var?


    Mouse X

    Mouse Y

    var Place = Mouse.X + Mouse.Y

    Set TextA (Place -> Convert -> Mouse.X)

    Set TextB (Place -> Convert -> Mouse.Y)

  • Like I just want to add some ads to the start page of my game but it's not a phone app.

    How can I do this?

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