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  • Yeah use a for loop for 0-50. Then compare at xy, where x is 0 and y is loopindex. It'll run through all Y and check for whatever value you put in. Or just alter that functionality to do whatever values you want with a loop, I guess for yours you run the loopindex on x and compare against y=1 or y=2.

    could you show an example of how you did it?

  • Alright cool I'll give it a try

  • 'Contains value' is a check throughout the whole array that a specific item exists, is that what you want?

    If I used that how would it know the difference between an ID of 2 and an item of 2?

  • I have an inventory system set-up with an Array where X = Item Amount & Y = Item ID.

    There is 50x and 2y.

    The problem is I don't want to have to make 50 events to check each and every slot in the Array on the Y axis to just find one id.

    I know currently I could do it like

    inventory compare at X Y (1,1) = 1 DO such and such

    inventory compare at X Y (1,2) = 1 DO such and such

    But that is extremely tedious does anyone know of a better way to find IDs inside an array?

  • > Ashley Can you make it where I can select multiple audio files at one time and move them into a folder? Currently you have to do it one at a time which is a real pain.


    > Thanks ahead of time if you could do that for me.


    If I go to Sounds / Music, I can mark how many songs I want at once, either by holding CTRL or Shift

    Yeah that doesn't seem to work for me.

  • Ashley Can you make it where I can select multiple audio files at one time and move them into a folder? Currently you have to do it one at a time which is a real pain.

    Thanks ahead of time if you could do that for me.

  • My game is a multiplayer game and I'm wondering how would I stop someone from cheating in my game. I know programs like cheat engine exist and since my game is built for PC I'm extremely worried about it.

    I know I could add something inside the game that says if they move to fast to disconnect them but things like the money they have the items in their inventory ect ect.

    How would you guys go about stopping cheaters from just spawning in a thousand items.

  • Taser You have the main sprite that you control. When you attach/pin another sprite to it, give that sprite a variable that has the main sprite's UID.

    Yeah the problem with that is if you spin the object that has things attached to it the things attached will move around oddly like a magnet and become out of place.

  • Seems to be working now

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  • Maybe a problem with Scirra's Signalling Server.... It'll come back after a while or at least tomorrow.

    Yeah hopefully it's something simple like that but that raises questions about how reliable is the signal server then?

  • Basically this is just a simple question, Is anyone else having troubles with the multiplayer plugin not working?

    Just load up a default real time multiplayer project file that construct 2 comes with and see if you can login because it's not wanting to connect for me and I haven't changed any of the default settings.

  • Ashley I tired using the pin thing but when you move around the character the other objects relocated on the object they're pinned to in a similar way to a magnet.

    How would someone create a game where they could build things on the vehicle in real time where each block making up that vehicle has it's own health value?

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Member since 23 Mar, 2014

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