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  • This is the kind of thing which is a lot easier to do if we drop canvas2d support, but right now I think that would upset a larger number of people.

    Can it not be done? I mean I understand it might be hard but I think it would open a huge area for new types of games.

  • It doesn't matter why someone would want to rotate a tilemap- it should be something that is possible to do because it would give more options and freedom to design a game the way you want it. I've wanted to do it various times in the past.

    Also, rotating a layer with a tilemap messes up the tilemap's collision cells- the collision cells don't rotate with it.

    I agree, It should be an option and the collision model thing needs to work with it.

    I'm going to give this post a few days for a response from Ashley then I'm going to submit an e-mail to the support to raise awareness of a much needed feature.

  • I've wanted to rotate tilemaps as well in the past, but there aren't any good way to do it, unfortunately. And because it's difficult for people to see the benefit in doing so, because it isn't popular design choice, it probably will remain not implemented.

    Well that's why it's so important to voice our concerns and ask for features we need. There is no reason why we can't have the option, It might not be practical for everyone but it is for me.

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  • Why don't you just use spriter.....

    Sorry to be blunt, but using tilemaps for characters is the worst idea for character design.

    Tilemaps don't have an angle property because it just doesn't make sense having one.

    Tilemaps are for maps, and that's period.

    Spriter C2 Blog : https://www.scirra.com/blog/119/spriter ... onstruct-2

    Spriter Forum: spriter-c2-update-11-2-bug-fix-for-performance-mode_t75748

    Spriter website: http://brashmonkey.com

    Because spriter makes animations only. What my idea is that a player can build their character in real time while controlling the character.

    Say you have a block as the core of your ship and you want to add other blocks onto that ship from parts just laying around. You would have to make hundreds of animations for every possible way you could build your ship and then each block has to have it's own Health value. So with a whole sprite you can't say oh this block or that block was hit you can only do the sprite as a whole.

    I know and I'm well aware what the purpose of tilemaps are but why can't I use it for character design when it would save tons of development time and make for a better user experience. Other wise I have to scrap my idea of being able to build in real time for a model sprite system which isn't my idea. All I'm asking for is a rotate Tilemap to position command which shouldn't be to hard.

  • Also if you use the pin command and spin your ship fast the blocks will lose the place they was connected on the ship in a magnet kinda way.

  • What about Just using sprites as bank of images that compose your characters and not using tilemaps for what they are not intended to be used...

    Well the idea is that if a bullet hit apart of the ship that only that block would be effected instead of the entire ship as a whole.

    I could make thousands of images of the same ship in every possible way but I feel that is an insane amount of work when I could just use a tilemap instead.

    Honestly just a rotate to position command would solve my problem

  • Why don't you put the tilemap for you character on a new layer, then rotate the layer? Maybe that could work?

    Yes that does work but when your talking about multiplayer it's another story because you would have to make a layer for each player.

  • Do you mean by rotation? If so, tilemaps purpose are to have blocky style games (like placing blocks on a grid)

    No it's actually supposed to help with building levels and better optimization. But why couldn't someone use a Tile map for a character or something else.

    It would be much better to use one tile map then creating hundreds of animations for one character. My game is a building game but you build the character not the world.

  • Something like that?


    capx example:

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5FlDY ... sp=sharing

    My game is a multiplayer game and I wanted to use tile maps as the characters of my game so yes it "fixes" the problem but for the great scale of multiplayer it doesn't. Because each player needs to be able to control their character and I can't create a number of layers because I'm not sure how many people will be playing at one time or how much I'll scale it. It could be 2 -4 players or it could be 32-64.

  • I'm trying to use a tile map for a game character for a top down game and it's not allowing me to set the angle of the tile map. It's only one fixed position.

  • Basically I'm wanting the player to be able to have a tile map rotate toward the position of the mouse.

    For a normal sprite this is easy but I don't see an option for tilemap.

  • Basically what I want to know is do you need to unassociate a spite when you want

    to Associate a new sprite with the peer id?

    Basically I'm trying to figure out how to go from a car to walking to driving a different car all in


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