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  • What i'm trying to do is send the host a message with a value.

    On LMB Clicked > Send message to host > Message "UID"

    It tells me it can't send a value only a string so my question is how do you send a value to the host?

    More Details:

    I have multiples of the same item in the game so I'm using the UID system instead of sync values.

  • Ok!

    Say you have a game level that is 500,000 x 500,000 it being the only level in the game.

    How would you approach the situation where you would want extreme detail on the ground?

    Tilemap, One Large Image, Many medium sized images lined up or what?

  • I'm trying to add a value from a local value to a global value.

    How can this be done?

  • image:

    Here the example:

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B9uHUU ... sp=sharing

    Thanks man that worked <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy">

  • Here's one way:

    global number starty=0

    global number miny=0

    on jump

    --- set starty to player.y

    --- set miny to player.y

    on landed

    --- set text to starty-miny

    every tick

    --- set miny to min(miny, player.y)

    Yeah I copied what you said and it only showed up as a 0 in the text once.

  • Alright this is straight forward,

    My character jumps off of the ground and lands again back on the ground.

    What I want to do is Measure how far away from the ground my character has jumped then display that in text.

    How can I do this?

  • My game is multiplayer and players can trade items ect ect but what I'm worried about is a player taking a username to trick people into giving that player items,money ect ect. I want to stop the con-artist before they have a chance so what names should I block a player from having?

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  • Problem: How do I save user data when the server shuts down?

    Currently I'm making Two versions of my game. The Server (Host) and The Game (Peer) .

    I'm doing this mostly because I want to limit people from having access to anything server side in hopes to prevent cheating. ( I know it's not perfect )

    So I'm wondering is there a way I can write to a text document or make some kind of data base inside of construct 2 that can be pulled up later when the server


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  • You could always zoom out or in

  • Wow man, That has saved me so much time! Thank you so much bro!

  • I set a value of 16 at x=47, y=2. Loop runs through all x at y=2 to find it.

    https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/495 ... check.capx

    Alright thank you <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

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