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  • Problem:

    When I put the Behavior "scroll to" on my character he bugs out and gets stuck at the middle of the map and won't actually scroll at all.


    I'm using the Multiplayer plugin and basically I just want the character to "scroll to" when he/she moves though the map. When I preview the character bugs out and this invisible wall is in the middle of the map and the character won't go beyond the edges of the map but as soon as I remove the "scroll to" behavior the invisable wall disappears and everything works the way it should.

    Trouble shooting:

    I've tired to put the scroll to behavior on other objects such as a text object with no text and then pinned it to the character but that didn't work.

    I've looked though my events and I can't seem to find anything that would stop the character from being able to use the scroll to.

    Any thoughts?

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  • The background of the Text Box is White but I want it to be black.

    How do I change the Text Box's background color or turn it transparent?

  • Problem

    The host is able to move around freely but when the peer moves the peer keeps getting reset back into the same spot the peer was spawned in.


    I've been working off the real time project that came with construct 2 and it seems like everything is fine for the host but the peer is just having a hard time.

    I am able to send text messages though the chat log for both the peer and the host. Both say they are connected so I don't think it's a connection issue.

    In my game I'm trying to use the same movements but without the lasers. it's more of a co-op thing when a pvp.

    Any ideas?

    Side note: I've tired using the real time multiplayer project by it's self and it seems to have a hard time connecting to other users but when I open two web browers it will connect to myself just fine.

  • Yeah I figured it out. ty

  • I been searching all over the Forums,Manual,Google and YouTube for this one simple answer.

    How do I erase a tile from a tilemap when I am in game by clicking on it with the mouse?




    Convert an X or Y layout co-ordinate in to the corresponding tile number in the tilemap. For example, this can be used to get the tile position under the mouse. "

    Am I on the right track?

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Member since 23 Mar, 2014

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