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  • If you have a platform behavior attached this should be already apart of the custom values part.

    <. < If this is a question for you I would highly recommend you check out the construct 2 Manual

  • Giving the bump

  • I Got the answer

    Sprite needs a Value added to it.

    Name it like ID then add 1 to it.

    Copy paste yada yada.

    Go to the other sprite change it's ID to 0

    Sprite on hit Sprite - Sprite destroy

    compare sprite value = 1 sprite spawn Death animation. TA DA

  • Ok do you mean,

    So both get destroyed but only one death animation right?

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  • I knew this before but I forgot maybe someone help me with this.

    I'm trying to do that thing where you remove a tile from a tilemap in game by using the mouse.

    It's some kind of command like TilemapToMousex(Mouse.X) Something like that. Any help would be great.

  • Taser

    That seems like quite a pointlessly over-complicated way of doing something that is so simple, and doesn't seem to relate to the OP question at all.

    How doe's it not relate to the question, he wanted to know how to move a sprite every tick so I gave him a way. It might be complicated but it's a Answer to the question. Also I'm not posting for you, I'm posting for him so that he will have an idea of a way in which it could be done. Obviously the best way would be

    keyboard F down >> 8 direction move left. :\</p>

  • Can't figure out how to upload a .capx but this is the answer

    Global Number "Movement = 0" 1= Move 0 = Don't move

    System>>Movement=1 >>Simulate 8Direction pressing left


    Keyboard F is down >> System Set movement 1

    Keyboard F released >>> Set movement 0

    Full details:

    Basically what your doing is when you are holding down F your setting a global value to 1 then when you release the button your setting it back to 0.

    Since 1 means to move left and 0 means to not move the system works.

    Just make sure the first system has a Everytick.

  • When running a game in NW.Js I want to know how to change the icon that appears at the top left.

    Not to be mistaken with the loading screen icons ( I know how to change them)

  • bump

  • How many objects/values can I have synced though the multiplayer plugin before I start to have issues?

    Side note: I know I'm posting this in the how do I....? section but there isn't a room for people who just want to ask question that doesn't relate to using the editor.

    Ashley if you read this maybe add one?

  • After 8 hours the editor will start to abnormally run. Events that worked 5 mins ago will no longer work, After a restart the events work properly again.

    I'm running the newest bata as of this posting on windows 10 both in google chrome and firefox.

    I've also ran it on NW.js same problem.

    Sorry for no capx. but I don't want someone stealing my project, Hope you understand.

  • Multiplayer > Sprite > Behavior Scroll to.

    Problem, When peer connects to host, host creates another sprite like it's self for the peer. When trying to turn off (scroll to behavior) for peer I find it applies to both of them.

    I've tired given them both different IDs but when it comes to the turn off part it still doesn't work any ideas?

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