Taser's Recent Forum Activity

  • How doe's a peer send a message to the host so that the host can update a value?

    Doe's the broadcast work for the peer or only the host?

  • I'm sorry but could you please show me an example? I've tired looking though tutorials and the chat example but I just don't get it.

    This is what I got so far

    Every 1 second >> Broadcast tag "bluescore" message BlueScore (from"",mode Reliable ordered)

    BlueScore is a global value

  • So I'm trying to sync text in a multiplayer game, The host can see when a team scores but the peers can't see anything change.

    So how could someone make it where the host sends a message or what have you to the peers so they can get the text update.

    Do I use global verbals? Or some kind of Voodoo Construct 2 Magic?

    Any help would be great.

  • When I preview my game though construct 2 everything works perfectly fine as it should but when I export the game to Nw.js and try to launch the game though the .exe file the game won't launch but when I go back to the editor everything is fine again.

    When I made a small test game to reproduce the bug and export it to Nw.Js it launches up perfectly fine with no issues at all.

    Things you should know is that the game I'm exporting is kinda big (for me), I didn't design it to be a phone app but it has about 320 events.

    I have a few plugins installed 3rd party but I'm not sure if that is the problem and if it was the problem how to fix that but it would be strange to me if the plugins were the issue because it works fine in the preview and the person the plugins come by has a good reputation in the C2 community.

    Anyways thank you all for any idea, suggestions you may come up with.

  • Thank you for that, I got it to work perfectly fine and everything seems to be running smooth as before.

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  • Basically I saved my project in 213 beta version and after trying to exporting it to desktop via NW.js and having a error I downgraded to version 212 the current release version and now my project won't open saying I need to have the latest version of construct 2.

    How do I force it to open the file or can that not be done?

    If I can't get an answer on that then doe's anyone know when the next version of construct 2 will be out? Till then It kinda looks like I'm dead in the water unless I want to remake the project and that's not happening lol.

  • same problem! I've made a big game and it doesn't work right but when I make something super small it will work fine.


  • Yeah I've known for awhile that construct 2 is an amazing editor it's just been one of them questions on my mind especially since I've taken on a large project that so far I been working on for three months.

  • Doe's anyone know how far the construct 2 editor can be pushed?

    By this I mean could I create a truly massive game with hundreds of levels and characters?

  • Sounds like something an array would be better at. Sorry I don't know the answer.

  • If you mean something like where the player touches the screen and the bullet go's toward where they touched

    you could doing something like set bullet angle toward Touch.Y & Touch.X

    For something like where the bullet follows a path premade by your swipe that is something you'll have to work on.

    But If I took a shot at it I guess one way would be to spawn Nav points as they player touches then just keeping setting angle of bullet to the next Nav point with some kind of ID attached to it. Sorry can't be of more help.

  • Hey everyone,

    I'm requesting that a new feature be added to construct 2 that allows users to remove the gear icon that appears many times at the top left when previewing or running a game.

    Over a few days now I been running into post on the forums of people asking how to do this and even myself would like this kind of feature. I was hoping that the team behind construct 2 could make it much easier for the users by adding a section for it much like how you change the loading icon.

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Member since 23 Mar, 2014

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