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  • Basically I have two users who say they can't connect to the game.

    But everyone else seems to connect perfectly fine. I've even been able to connect though my phone.

    I got no reason to believe they're lying as they really want to play.

    They've used chrome and Firefox and I asked them if they was using a VPN and they said no.

    What could be the issue?

    Mind you I'm sending the preview link for the game and not a direct copy.

    What could be the issue?

    Multiplayer works for everyone but these two people

  • Problem:Spites values won't update for peer when the host updates the value.

    What my Logic is:

    Peer: On LMB click -> Send Message to host

    Host: On Message From Peer - > Create spite

    update sprite's string to Multiplayer.FromID


    Sprite is created for both the Host and the Peer.

    Host can see the Sprite's new value but Peer can not.


    Sprite is sync'd over the network.

    Sprite's string variable is sync'd over the network.

    Trouble Shooting

    I've created Global Values and tried updating them first then creating the sprite later then adding the string to the sprite but this failed but same results (Host can see new value, Peer can not)


    It is game breaking if I can't have the peers see who "owns" what sprite is created by who.

    I'm not really sure what is going on here as I've done this in other ways where if you hit space bar everything turns out fine with the right values but for this it just seems to refuse to work. Idk Maybe you can help. Hope this was straight forward.

  • Ashley

    Can you please add an option to remove the white bars when you use a command like


    I find it gets in the way and isn't helpful at all thanks.

    Side note: How do you post pictures in this thing? I uploaded the image but it doesn't show up in the post. Thanks.

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  • How can I fix this?

    It's just a simple object sync of the characters. Nothing really special from the default Multiplayer tutorial.

  • I've noticed that when a Character goes to stop there is a kind of rubber banding effect that takes place.

    Like it's not super lag or anything when the character goes to move, It actually responds quickly but I've noticed once the character stops moving it keeps moving for a moment then move back then moves a bit forward again before coming to a full rest.

    What is going on?

    I don't have a ton of vars sync'd or characters on the server. It's 1-3 players max and I've never seen this before with C2 so what could be the issue?

  • Multiplayer is weird sometimes I've noticed even back in C2 you would create a system that works one time and then another does something strange. Idk I'm gonna keep plucking away at it till it works cause single player for my game just wouldn't work.

  • I've looked into this and he's right.

    I used the same code that runs in C2 inside of C3 exactly and it doesn't work.

    Any more people running into this issue.

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  • When your project won't open.

  • I read your comment several times... Either I don't understand your issue, or you don't understand how tilemap works.

    If you have 10x10 tilemap and you want to set tile at row number 1, column number 4 (they are zero-based), you do Set tile (4, 1)

    If you need to set tile at mouse coordinates: Set tile (Tilemap.PositionToTileX(Mouse.X), Tilemap.PositionToTileY(Mouse.Y))

    There are a few other expressions to convert from screen coordinates to tilemap index and back in the official manual.

    You don't understand my issue which is fine.

    Also for the command you're referencing here you should check out the tutorial I did in 2015 about it. I noticed you was using ( ) in wrong places so hopefully it will help.


    Ashley can you create a command for the tilemap [ Set at Tile Index]

    It's not about taking a position to find the index but instead already knowing the index and just referencing it.

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