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  • Thanks, yeah it's sort of global property :/, I will hack it by destroying the instance and replacing it instantly with another sprite just for visual feedback, I'll check your plugins though.

    I just made a comparison worked in C2 than switched to C3 in the browser, than back to C2. C3 feels sort of fragile and some small stuff which I was used to in C2 is gone, like the expressions window is automatically opens up in C2, and in C3 it need an extra click. Plus tons of all these 3rd party plugins.

    Overall the whole idea of subscription is a bad user experience, it scares off people. Guys, you would have sold way more copies till now for 200 - 300 € one payment + downloadable desktop, than what you have right now.

    Please consider your user also in terms of product pricing and platform. Browser based and stuff is nice, why on earth should I pay you every year? Make a base software - one time payment, new updates/modules as DLC, if you need this new functionality - you buy it for extra price.

    Free to play version of c3 is sort of alright, could be more events. Sorry, guys - bad marketing/price strategy.

  • Problem Description

    Disabling collision with a certain instance disables collisions for all the instances.

    Attach a Capx

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/kr05ohwo103nj ... .capx?dl=0

    Description of Capx

    It should just disable collision with the one it collided with.

    Steps to Reproduce Bug

    • Shoot da ball by pressing mouse/touch
    • See it collide with one peggle (collision with this particular is disabled)
    • But, than Collision is disabled for all the peggles, and the ball flies through everything, which is very sad <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">(

    Observed Result

    Collisions are disabled with all the peggles, the ball flies through all the peggles <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad">((

    Expected Result

    It should disable collision with just this one collided instance, ant the ball should continue to bounce nicely

    Affected Browsers

    • Chrome: (YES/NO)

    Operating System and Service Pack

    win 10

    Construct 2 Version ID


  • Thanks!

  • With C2 it was possible with a plugin, but how to do it in C3?

    It's a bit sad, that this vital feature is still not supported officially.

  • Cool, this will be a killer feature in terms of "marketing"

  • Ashley

    What I meant could work with Scirra Arcade, but with auto-submission straight to the server with one click, an URL to the game and an ability to easily share on social media. An example would be a track upload flow on soundcloud, where it gets a distinct url, thumbnail image, FB share etc. E.g.: https://soundcloud.com/bighed/oneeighty developer nick/game title

  • If you do it everything online, than include in the price an easy way to instantly publish and share the app, but so that it stays online when you close the editor.

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  • yay, now "D" works

  • I am using it continuously in C2.

  • This is the biggest issue for me right now "Saving/File handling in browser" - currently it's so easy to loose the progress (e.g. accidentally hit reload, close the tab, browser glitched).

    I think it should instantly start saving into the local storage after the new project was created, even with "untitled" name.

    Then when something unexpected would happened, on the next start it should ask "do you want to recover your last session from the local storage?"

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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