Sorry guys, C3 is a bad idea now - browser/subscription

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    I just made a comparison worked in C2 than switched to C3 in the browser, than back to C2. C3 feels sort of fragile and some small stuff which I was used to in C2 is gone, like the expressions window is automatically opens up in C2, and in C3 it need an extra click. Plus tons of all these 3rd party plugins.

    Overall the whole idea of subscription is a bad user experience, it scares off people. Guys, you would have sold way more copies till now for 200 - 300 € one payment + downloadable desktop, than what you have right now.

    Please consider your user also in terms of product pricing and platform. Browser based and stuff is nice, why on earth should I pay you every year? Make a base software - one time payment, new updates/modules as DLC, if you need this new functionality - you buy it for extra price.

    Free to play version of c3 is sort of alright, could be more events. Sorry, guys - bad marketing/price strategy.

    I just made a comparison worked in C2 than switched to C3 in the browser, than back to C2. C3 feels sort of fragile and some small stuff which I was used to in C2 is gone, like the expressions window is automatically opens up in C2, and in C3 it need an extra click. Plus tons of all these 3rd party plugins.

    Overall the whole idea of subscription is a bad user experience, it scares off people. Guys, you would have sold way more copies till now for 200 - 300 € one payment + downloadable desktop, than what you have right now.

    Please consider your user also in terms of product pricing and platform. Browser based and stuff is nice, why on earth should I pay you every year? Make a base software - one time payment, new updates/modules as DLC, if you need this new functionality - you buy it for extra price.

    Free to play version of c3 is sort of alright, could be more events. Sorry, guys - bad marketing/price strategy.

    AFAIK you don't work for Scirra so please justify the bold/underlined statement.

    I just made a comparison worked in C2 than switched to C3 in the browser, than back to C2. C3 feels sort of fragile and some small stuff which I was used to in C2 is gone, like the expressions window is automatically opens up in C2, and in C3 it need an extra click. Plus tons of all these 3rd party plugins.

    Overall the whole idea of subscription is a bad user experience, it scares off people. Guys, you would have sold way more copies till now for 200 - 300 € one payment + downloadable desktop, than what you have right now.

    Please consider your user also in terms of product pricing and platform. Browser based and stuff is nice, why on earth should I pay you every year? Make a base software - one time payment, new updates/modules as DLC, if you need this new functionality - you buy it for extra price.

    Free to play version of c3 is sort of alright, could be more events. Sorry, guys - bad marketing/price strategy.

    imho the only better things in C3 are the apk built-in service (for those that arent'hable to do it for themselves) and the possibility of running it directly on linux/mac systems without need of warkarounds.. I personally do not need any of these things so I will continue to use C2 and hopefully tomorrow I will switch to another pro-tool like unity or unreal engine.

    PS Fusion3 could be a great tool too (if Clickteam ever manage to release it.. )

    I do not understand why such conversations like these, still comes up. It is not to us users of Construct, to make the bill for Scirra for the simple reason, we can't.

    An unlimited license is good for the user but bad for the company behind it. After a certain amount of time, the sales dry up, still the users expect new features/updates.

    I bought the C3 license from the very start, and did not regret it one moment. Now Scirra created a constant cash flow, which is a much better guarantee for the future of Construct. I can see there is a lot of maintenance and updating on C3.

    Above the unlimited C2 license, dark clouds gather together. With the subscription model, the future of C3 shines bright.

    We're seeing healthy sales for Construct 3 and we are absolutely confident we're going in the right direction.

    When we first released C2, we had people telling us for months we'd obviously failed or had made ourselves irrelevant and were certainly selling less because we chose HTML5 over Flash. Despite a steady stream of such complaints, we stuck to our guns, because we were absolutely sure HTML5 would take over. We act on where we see technology is going, to future-proof the company. I guess not everyone appreciates that.

    I do not understand why such conversations like these, still comes up.

    I didn't either until the last blog post they commented this:

    [quote:2jt2j4n6]...we don't want to pull the rug out under them by stopping selling C2.

    However it probably won't stay available to buy forever

    , so we recommend existing customers look in to upgrading to C3.

    Now I don't see a reason to go all lamar yet but who knows when they cut support on C2...

    xoros have bit right, c3 dont have lot great plugins, and should have

    So many plugins Construct 2 have and this is a half of success because of third party plugins authors

    all my projects or scirra store items have third party addons

    so i dont even look at c3 relases because for me is nothing interesting/new

    one thing i like in c3 is bullet by step behavior

    Sorry Ashley, i love your work but this is only me subjective opinion

    I do not understand why such conversations like these, still comes up. It is not to us users of Construct, to make the bill for Scirra for the simple reason, we can't.

    An unlimited license is good for the user but bad for the company behind it. After a certain amount of time, the sales dry up, still the users expect new features/updates.

    I bought the C3 license from the very start, and did not regret it one moment. Now Scirra created a constant cash flow, which is a much better guarantee for the future of Construct. I can see there is a lot of maintenance and updating on C3.

    Above the unlimited C2 license, dark clouds gather together. With the subscription model, the future of C3 shines bright.

    Exactly. Why are there so many of these stupid topics.

    Search for a related one and post it there, rather than overpopulating the forum with junk mail bashing Scirra.

    The editor works, and isn't a bad idea as it solves more issues than it causes.

    One of the problems is that the people that were making plugs weren't interested in making a profit, and therefore couldn't justify a subscription.

    Its arguable that the free version still allows that, but its much more limited. Its pretty much useless as anything other than a proof of concept.

    There's other issues like we're stuck in neutral until we know exactly what the new runtime will bring.

    I know these are all tied together, one thing can't happen till another is resolved, but the users can't see the big picture that easy.

    One of the problems is that the people that were making plugs weren't interested in making a profit, and therefore couldn't justify a subscription.

    From what I can see, the addons can be converted quite easily to C3 . The real issue is that they are not longer supported by the author (no new features, no fixes ... etc)

    Its arguable that the free version still allows that, but its much more limited. Its pretty much useless as anything other than a proof of concept.

    I can totally agree with that. With these limits you can't even edit the 3 default games.

    Ashley I know that It had been said a lot of times before, but remove the event limit or put something more acceptable as 200~300 events and block the export at up to 50 events or something.

    When we first released C2, we had people telling us for months we'd obviously failed or had made ourselves irrelevant and were certainly selling less because we chose HTML5 over Flash. Despite a steady stream of such complaints, we stuck to our guns, because we were absolutely sure HTML5 would take over. We act on where we see technology is going, to future-proof the company. I guess not everyone appreciates that.

    Yes, you were right, but now when html5 has become widely spread, a lot of competitors added it, so they have native + html5. Being first on new lands is not always the best , is similar to "early adopters"

    I really liked the post about C3 new engine with the performance and all, but remember that people are paying subscriptions so they expect to make money in return.

    In my opinion, while C3 development is a priority, Scirra Team should also focus on different ads plugins (and IAP) and also support for the big web portals (Nowgrounds, Kongregade, Facebook etc).

  • Try Construct 3

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    We're seeing healthy sales for Construct 3 and we are absolutely confident we're going in the right direction.

    I've tried C3 and my only impression so far is "

    Not Available in the Free Version


    Any new features are locked out, so I don't actually know what's supposed to be better about it!

    Therein lies the irony, Scirra wants pay for their work (understandably), but a large part of the plug-in suite was built by hobbyists - for free. With the subscription model, hobbyists aren't going to pay $ per year to support Scirra's revenue model. Therefore, the platform will die. With a 'lifetime' license, we bought it once, and so were more inclined to 'give back'.

    And the newly inflated prices for C2 are ridiculous. The same old issues exist that existed two years ago. With C3 the new flagship, I doubt any of the issues will be given much time going forward.

    I feel a little ripped-off with a C2 lifetime license that is already in it's tailspin of support.

    read them newest blog

    now them a talk bout them have new build of different one improve performance

    Good Luck Scirra

    I feel a little ripped-off with a C2 lifetime license that is already in it's tailspin of support.

    Try and think about it in a different way.

    "I bought C2 on a huge discount!"

    Glad you guys have healthy sales, but subscription just sucks. Think about your existing user base. I think there are not that many developers, who make money using construct. For many it's just a toy to tinker some crappy games, another use it for rapid prototyping from time to time.

    With this subscription you're just scaring off your community. There are better more user friendly ways to monetize your product for sure. And you don't know how your "cash flow" from subscriptions will look like in 1-3 years. Although I understand your intentions behind it, London is an expensive City and every one has to pay their bills and it's your product. May be one day I will not have another choice as to switch to C3 subscription

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