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  • Hello there,


    Web Audio API is a great thing, I've seen people building crazy stuff with it. For example:

    http://cdm.link/2015/07/drum-machines-b ... web-audio/

    Audio Plugin in C2 is already great, but...

    My question, is it possible to extend the official Audio Plugin with new effects and functionality like oscillators and modulations, adding more "low level" functions to access API through C2 event interface:

    https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/doc ... llatorNode

    https://coderwall.com/p/h1jnmg/web-audi ... ther-nodes

    https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/doc ... _Audio_API

    C2 will turn into a great tool for audio apps protottyping <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_e_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile">

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  • cool, thank you too!

  • hey rexrainbow cool stuff. I tryied "push out" action, but it does not work

  • Is there any other way how to show sprites above the video? Not plugin, but if it's technically possible at all

  • hey rexrainbow, this could be a super-useful plugin

    1) is it possible to show stuff above the video?

    2) how to disable all input listeners on video, so it just playbacks, no matter what

  • Hello fellas,

    anybody knows if it's possible to use this great HTML5 functionality in C2, apart from developing a 3rd party plugin? And a question to Ashley is there any hope for an official support of webkit notifications? Actually, it's a supper crucial feature for F2P games based on timers and not only.

    http://www.sitepoint.com/introduction-w ... tions-api/

    https://www.audero.it/demo/web-notifica ... -demo.html

    Construct will never be outmatched by Godot, because it's a different thing and because of the incredible speed, usability and flow you have in C2. This means everything to me, because I like when I am having flow while working. Godot has no flow what so ever. All this cool features, that godot has means nothing, cause it's not really clear how to use them, you want to make simple tweening and you get lost with all this details in no seconds , how to structure the game in Godot - no idea. Python like scripting language is nice, but again not nearly as usable as c2 event system. Documentation is very sparse, not clear how to do stuf in this engine in general. Godot architecture is 100% aimed at developers, construct is aimed at designers and it's just fun to use.

    In C2 everything is so straight forward and clean, even if don't know how to properly do something, you will find it out through categorized event/actions listing, it's a very clever way of mixing documentation with functionality.

    I would be super-happy though, if c3 would handle native features like push notifications and animation system. Currnetly I am using it only for rapid prototyping and it's incredible for that. But if you are aiming only for web - it's perfect for 2d web games.

  • Ashley

    Yes, I understand the problem - there's no clear solution to this, e.g. something like pathfinding, but for collision avoidance. I was able to achieve some "interesting" results with simple vector math and forces, but it only works for objects of regular shapes like squares, circles, triangles and they stuck in corners, don't que, and so on.


  • Hello,


    Are there any plans for collision avoidance/steering behaviors officially? May be in C3? Pathfinding is ok for some of the cases, but not when you need fluid organic motion behaviors of single/multiple entities.

    Something similar to algorithms described in this articles:

    http://buildnewgames.com/vector-field-c ... avoidance/

    https://andrewfray.wordpress.com/2013/0 ... -to-share/

  • Yeah, picking is another useful variable use case

  • winkr7 as long as it works for you, I think it's fine to use this approach

    I think by using dictionary you define the scope of keys by the way you write access get/set logic.

    Yes, the keyword here is STATE, everything which is state related, which should be persistent and have dependencies, better implemented with dictionaries.

  • well, may be I was a bit emotional about that, depends on a project, but for something RPG-ish with lots of objects, stats etc - variables are no go.

    Variables in C2 are good for functional stuff, like storing some value intermediately, make some calculations and pass it forward. Everything which involves any type of persistence and dependencies is very inflexible when using variables, especially local once.

    May be I had the wrong mind set about variables? Should they be only used for this kind of stuff?

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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