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  • yeah, the same was in C2, this issue with devices on mobile internet (IPv4-IPv6) renders multiplayer plugin almost unusable. I tried to install and config a TURN server a while ago, but it was such a pain in the ass and it didn't work at the end, so the solution was a PHOTON server. I don't think there's a plugin for C3 though.

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  • It was my application, I'll take a look at your example. Yeah external requests might make sense

  • Yeah, man I understand this, will not complain about C anymore :)

  • just tried it in a preview window (it's where I spend most of the time developing/testing)

  • Ashley

    Why do you need user voting for the Key Functionality? JSON is a defacto standard for data description. It's something like tweening, which is still badly missing in C3.

  • Can't load json, cross-origin problem

    GET editor.construct.net/r106/preview/%22gamedata.json%22 500 ()

    index.html:1 Failed to load editor.construct.net/r106/preview/%22gamedata.json%22: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin 'https://preview.construct.net' is therefore not allowed access. The response had HTTP status code 500.

    blob:https://preview.construct.net/32c45618-b156-499f-bfdc-391d6b7d388c:2 Json ajax file retrieve falied - 0 -

    Cross-Origin Read Blocking (CORB) blocked cross-origin response editor.construct.net/r106/preview/%22gamedata.json%22 with MIME type text/html. See chromestatus.com/feature/5629709824032768 for more details.

  • A pretty much badly needed plugin :)

  • Cool, I'll try your plugin out and let you know, if there's anything.

  • already did :), gave it +3

  • This feature is so much bread and butter and third party plugin stopped working due to a new runtime. Why there's XML object and no JSON?

  • Ashley

    Now I am starting to think, that C3 will benefit a lot by allowing developers to access everything in the engine easily and make changes, regarding the way you wanna takle the project (lower/higher level). In some way you can do it now too, but it's more the hacky way. Sure SDK is for that, but it's only one part of it. I recently tried a JS-plugin - it was very easy to include an external js-library and use it, basically the way you bind js-code with construct events through this plugin. Open API's could also be used easily.

    In this context Construct could be seen not only as an html5 game engine, but more like an intuitive IDE for web-apps-development and more. Would be cool if it would have a built in functionality to render/edit DOM elements and draw with canvas. Standard construct render (layout/scene) could be included into the certain DOM elements.

    So basic workflow for more lower level development would be:

    1) create bindings between you JS-HTML-CSS in Construct3 (functions, objects, arrays, variables, callbacks, divs, html-objects, css-objects-values, etc)

    2) use events to create higher level logic to bring all js/html stuff to life

    This will also allow to use databases and other backend services more easily, without writing a plugin or behavior.

  • Hello friends,

    I tried to open an included HTML file by using Browser>GoToURL("file.html"), but it does not work, preview says "Arggh, We could not find it". Is it possible at all? Ideally I would like to render HTML inside construct window, like an iFrame or something.

    It would also work, if there were a possibility to define DIVs in the layout.

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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