xoros's Recent Forum Activity

  • alright guys, now I am in wow, thank you!

  • Tom great-great-great! I go buy a subscription.

  • That's what we are trying to figure out here. Facebook just opened the platform, SDK is now opened to use for everyone. If there's a FB-Instant SDK plugin in C3 - I go straight buy a subscription and start building.


    https://techcrunch.com/2018/03/15/faceb ... evelopers/

  • Profit depends on how well you integrate rewarded ads in your gameplay and if your game is fun to play and if you reached your audience. SDK has many cool features to play with friends etc. It's a new paradigm of mobile gaming in my opinion. Facebook will fix discoverability, I am pretty sure. This platform is just perfect fit for Construct.

  • looks great on a third place, which can mean the API will be integrated into C3 one day

  • Try Construct 3

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  • Just saying, I know there's a topic, SDK is still in closed beta, I dislike subscription model, but if this both put together, it will be as if Construct met a Perfect Girlfriend (FIGsdk) It will be an ultimate tool to create Facebook Instant Games fast and effective, while having lots of fun using event system and visual editor. Now finally it's time for HTML games - everybody was thinking it's just a better flash replacement, it's more than this - keyword is integration, now it's FB Messenger, later other services will start opening API's like that. Supporting 3rd party plugins made for C2 is an ultimate answer for many development tasks, stuff by made by rexrainbow for example.

  • The current situation on instant games in a nutshell:

    https://www.gamasutra.com/blogs/AdamTel ... _Games.php

  • Ashley Is FIG plugin planned for Construct 3? If yes, will it support rewarded/interstital ads placement and stuff like FIG-leaderboard, shared context etc?

    This will be a very very Unique Selling Point Instant games will be big for HTML5.

  • +10

    If Instant Games plugin will be implemented I am going to buy a subscription.

    I had a break in construct usage, for a couple of months. Just got back and could not resist to express my C3 impressions Anyways, I love construct, great software.

    I don't have anything against the price, but against subscription as a business model for this type of software. I am using C2 entirely for rapid prototyping purposes, and there's nothing better on the market right now for this use case

    Glad you guys have healthy sales, but subscription just sucks. Think about your existing user base. I think there are not that many developers, who make money using construct. For many it's just a toy to tinker some crappy games, another use it for rapid prototyping from time to time.

    With this subscription you're just scaring off your community. There are better more user friendly ways to monetize your product for sure. And you don't know how your "cash flow" from subscriptions will look like in 1-3 years. Although I understand your intentions behind it, London is an expensive City and every one has to pay their bills and it's your product. May be one day I will not have another choice as to switch to C3 subscription

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Member since 18 May, 2012

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