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  • here ya go:

    lerp/qarp/cubic tutorial

  • ok, this is a continuation of the lerp tutorial.

    I actually recommend that first so you see the actual numbers changing, and understand it better.

    in this, as with most real world cases, you won't see each number, but will see things like objectname.x instead of the actual value, so you see an example application and how it will more likely look in your code.

    the red and purple dots are drag and droppable

    if you right click and drag any of those dots you can change the angle of that dot.

    ep stands for endpoint

    cp stands for controlpoint

    same as before, use the slider to change the value of t

    all cc interpolation tutorial


    all the dots start with their angles at 0 degrees, with their red lines facing toward the right of the screen.

    you'll notice if you place ep1's angle slightly greater than 0

    and you place ep2's angle slightly less, it will go all the way around almost 360 degrees instead of crossing the short distance through 0|360 boundary. though this makes sense because lerp is just going between the numbers 10 and 350, let's say. this is usually not the desired result when working with angles

    now try rightclicking on the 'lerp' button at the top. it will change it to anglelerp

    the x and y are still lerped, but the angle will be anglelerped.

    anglelerp is a function in the math plugin that will assume you want to take the shortest route to a new angle when lerping, so you can safely ignore the 0|360 boundary

  • I think he means the current options, but with realtime preview


  • do you really melodious?

    I have 41

    was that site made in c2?

  • not sure exactly when it might be released, but the latest addition to the changelog was on october 9th.

    so far two runtime fixes, two plugin fixes, two behavior fixes, and one each addition to the sdk and to the 360 plugin. haven't checked the svn to see if anyone's been doing any fixes behind the scenes and haven't had the chance to update the changelog

    so there has been some stuff, but it's been close to a standstill for a while. just give it some time, I think things will eventually pick back up, also, we have a few sdk trainees learning the ropes as of late, so they will probably eventually contribute as well

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  • I haven't used path behavior but to make something accelerate with a max speed a simple formula is    speed=clamp(speed+accelerationamount,0,maxspeed)

  • System : For Each Object : Sprite

    --------do whatever you did before

  • Construct classic source code? like the c++, or you mean your events?

  • that's true davioware, it was your discovery. you'll notice I didn't say "I" found. in that case when a sentence begins with "found", the "davioware" is assumed. as far as what the bug was - remember, my fix was on the remade function object, so it may not be the same, but the framerates were so similar, I think it probably was.

    in my test version at first I had the plugin assuming all params were strings, thinking checking the type was an unnecessary step that would slow things down since construct can use them all interchangeabl. I suppose the way the runtime interprets strings is slower than floats and ints, specifically when it's converting back and forth between strings and floats, and back again, which makes sense.

    I just changed it so it checks the type of each value before returning the value in the param expression. that made all the difference. 4.5x the speed

  • Someone pm'd me the question, so I thought I'd post here to be clear. Even if you have not yet purchased spriter, if you purchase it before public beta release, you can immediately begin testing the alpha release.

    Also, new vids coming very soon! Stay tuned

  • Another update. The alpha is expanding to include all current pro owners. All current spriter pro owners should have received an email Wednesday morning with a link to download the alpha. If you have purchased spriter and have not received the email, please pm me, so we can fix the situation.

    To everyone else. Expect a big progress update soon, with video this weekend.


    Someone pm'd me the question, so I thought I'd post here to be clear. Even if you have not yet purchased spriter, if you purchase it before public beta release, you can immediately begin testing the alpha release.

    steipan, from everything I understand, both from what I've seen of the source, and from what's been stated by ashley, it's pretty much impractical.   it'd be close to the same workload as rewriting it from scratch. cc wasn't made to support the writing of alternate exporters and edittimes. if the wine wrapper thing is something else entirely, and doesn't involve writing an alternate c++ runtime or edittime, disregard all that I just said

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