What does the word slavery actually mean??.Are these people being beaten up and shackled to chains , Do they work until they drop dead??.Or are they just getting underpaid and overworked.There should be a governing body that watch out for these type of abuses but ,as they say money talks.
I think part of it is working conditions the treatment of workers/slaves.
In Burma it is not uncommon for workers to be forced into labor to mine rubies.
In India, tens and thousands of Indian children mine mica. If you've ever visited a mine, it is no place for children.
In Pakistan, it is not uncommon for a young girl to be sold into the *** trade to pay off family debts.
In Southeast Asia's ********* industry, laborers work 20 hour days and will be the subject of violence or **** if they attempt to escape.
Those are just some of the info notated by the site. It really puts things into perspective.